17 Inspirational Leadership Quotes By Francis Chan From Passion 2012

On Tuesday evening at the Passion 2012 Conference in Atlanta, Francis Chan delivered one of the most powerful and moving message I’ve ever heard.  The following are some of the leadership quotes from his amazing message.

  1. “I don’t like calling it human trafficking.  I like calling it little kids are being raped right now.”
  2. “We must be completely undignified and give our life to this (solving slavery).”
  3. “Go home and read this book (the Bible).  Read it over and over again…Get consumed by this Word.”
  4. “The greatest thing that could happen is that many of you leave here serious about this book, seriously believing in the promises of this book.”
  5. “People will lie to you..even people who sit in church services.  Unless you read this book over and over again you won’t be able to tell who is lying to you.”
  6. “People are going to lie to you your whole life and it will be easy for you to fall into a trap.”
  7. “I get scared because you follow because they say they’re a scholar…Look at their lives.  Do they remind me of Jesus?”
  8. “If you have a desire in your heart you can justify about anything.”
  9. “Be careful of your own heart.  We just fight for what we desire.”
  10. “It sure seems like when God says He’s going to judge it’s going to happen.”
  11. “From the beginning Satan lured them in and said, ‘Do you think you’re really going to die?'”
  12. “We try to beautify everything…I doubt your parents painted all the people drowning (in your room as a child regarding Noah’s Ark).”
  13. “Do you take the Word of God literally?  Do you really believe God commanded you to go and make disciples.”
  14. “We talk about human trafficking.  The solution to human trafficking is making disciples.”
  15. “Some people in your schools will be victims of human trafficking.  Some will be culprits of it.”
  16. “Has it always bothered you that you’d read the Bible and then go to church and it didn’t match up?”
  17. “While other people are hiding, you’re going to say, ‘I think God can do something through me.'”

As convicting a message as I’ve ever heard.

What do you believe God can do through your life?

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.