From time to time, I enjoy doing a leadership download of lessons learned with you.  This is one of those times.  I want to begin this post by talking about what is necessary for leaders to rally people and then provide additional key leadership insights.

Leaders Rally People

A Rally happens through Platform Vision Communication that is passionate, compelling, and timely.  Furthermore, the communication must have flow and timing.   For instance, the following would be an effective platform communication:

Vision (the reason) linked to Purpose Or Kingdom Ministry

Phase 1 – Call (ask) everyone to dream with you.  See, Hear and Feel the things that have captured your heart and spirit.

Phase 2 – Call (ask) everyone to own the vision.  “Owners are burdened by the vision”.  It captures their heart and spirit.

Phase 3 – Call (ask) everyone to be devoted and committed to responding wholeheartedly to supporting the vision.  This resources what is captured in their heart and spirit.

Pilot Program Or A Strategic Plan

A Pilot Program indicates that a church or organization is varying from the norm and have not yet proven the results or documented the key indicators of success.

A Strategic Plan indicates that you are implementing a known (or best case) strategy and are not “testing” but “producing”!

This is important to note because if something is good to do, it should be done throughout the organization and not wait until the “pilot” is completed.

Inner Circle Leadership

Inside guys are not born.  They are cultivated through the information exchange.

Improving The Team

Hindsight might say that while the personnel changed it would seem that the leader’s ability to evaluate skill was what probably changed the most!

Permission To Lead

Sometimes leaders hear that they did not let someone lead and therefore, “how could I lead you didn’t let me.”  Leaders cringe at this statement because leadership is earned not given.  Your presence, communication, authority and expertise have allowed you to assume the mantle of leadership.

Distinctive Leadership

The distinctive of great leaders is that they personalize every encounter.  This CANNOT be lost in the tools of the trade.  Personalization is a pace setting example of corporate commitment to a marketplace.  Leaders focus on issues and communicate clear solutions at the time it is needed (in the immediate) and not set aside for discussion at the next scheduled meeting!  Plans and solutions come best when your mind is on the issue and not put off until “we get together”.

What are some leadership lessons you have learned recently?

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