13 Leadership Quotes And Principles From Home Run – The Must See Movie Of The Year

Last evening I had the privilege of seeing Home Run, a feel-good movie about personal redemption, second chances, and finding freedom from addiction and anger.  You will see yourself in this film.  

Cory Brand, played by Scott Elrod, is a professional baseball player struggling with anger and alcoholism resulting from childhood abuse from his father.

After numerous legal and public relations issues, Brand is forced to return to his Oklahoma childhood home and enter a 12-step program called Celebrate Recovery.  While there, Brand is forced to confront his personal demons and finds meaning in his life and for those he loves.

For those unfamiliar with Celebrate Recovery, it “is a biblical and balanced program that helps us overcome our hurts, hang-ups, and habits.  It is based on the actual words of Jesus rather than psychological theory.  20 years ago, Saddleback Church launched Celebrate Recovery with 43 people. It was designed as a program to help those struggling with hurts, habits and hang-ups by showing them the loving power of Jesus Christ through a recovery process. Celebrate Recovery has helped more than 17000 people at Saddleback, attracting over 70% of its members from outside the church. 85% of the people who go through the program stay with the church and nearly half serve as church volunteers.”

Celebrate Recovery is currently in over 19,000 churches worldwide, including my own.

The following are 13 leadership quotes and principles from this amazing film:

  1. The Power Of A Father’s Influence – All fathers, knowingly or unknowingly, provide intentionality and direction for their children.  Corey’s abusive father greatly determined his son’s self-worth and behavioral patterns.
  2. Fathers Often Determine Their Children’s Level Of Confidence – Fathers have the ability to make their children feel like they can accomplish anything.  Or, they can make them feel worthless.  Fathers, what future are you pointing your children towards?
  3. Our Actions Have Consequences – Even with his status as a professional athlete, Brand could not escape the consequences of his actions.  Neither will we.
  4. “Why don’t you just shoot Bambi next time?” – Sometimes our behavior is so poor that it reaches a point of being laughable.
  5. “I still can’t believe they talk like that in church.” – During Cory’s first counseling session, a gentleman discussed the challenges he faced with sexual addiction.  The most effective churches are the ones where people can be real and authentic about the struggles they face.
  6. “I’m Cory and currently struggling with my agent.” –  The people we surround ourselves with will greatly determine our future success.
  7. “Nothing great happens when you hold back.” – A tree’s fruit is out on the limb, not near the trunk.  The best leaders know nothing great happens without a pioneering sense of adventure and bravery.
  8. “It takes courage to be a parent.  It takes bravery to lead them…Parenting is not for cowards.” – The most important roles men play is husband and father because everyday we set precedent and we send others forward into a time we cannot see.
  9. “The hurt inside of you is going to hurt Tyler.” – These are the words of Brand’s high school girlfriend Emma played by Dorian Brown.  Emma was referring to Brand’s inner-pain being transferred to her son Tyler.  It is true, hurt people can and do hurt people.
  10. “Abusive parents warp your sense of who God is.” – To a child, your concept of God is primarily shaped by your parents.  Specifically, it is shaped by your father and how he treats you.
  11. People Can Change For The Better – There is always hope to change.  Your past does not have to pre-determine your future.  When an individual experiences the deep, transformational love of Jesus Christ, anything is possible.
  12. “I used alcohol my entire life to replace the love I never received from my father.” – Every child is born with a deep desire to find the love and acceptance that can only come from their father.  When a void exists there, people will look for counterfeit options such as sex, drugs, alcohol, status, fame, their careers, and/or success.
  13. There Does Exist A Father Who Deeply Loves Us – Perhaps you suffered from a father who was abusive, hurtful, demeaning, showed conditional love, or even abandoned you.  This is something that will be with you for your entire life.  But a reality exists that you also have access to a Heavenly Father who deeply loves you, will never forsake you, thinks the world of you, is crazy about you, and died for you so that the two of you can spend every moment for eternity together.  His name is Jesus Christ.

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.