30 Leadership Quotes And Lessons From Jeff Henderson – Live Blog From The Rocket Company Training Meetings

In an effort to help churches succeed, the leadership of The Rocket Company wanted to pull back the curtain and show you how we train our team members.

This morning, Jeff Henderson of Gwinnett Church, one of the North Point Community Church campuses, provided some invaluable coaching for our team.  We felt the content was so rich that we wanted to share it with all church leaders.

The following are leadership quotes and lessons from Jeff on managing your life and achieving your goals.  After reading check out the information below on Preach Better Sermons which Jeff will be hosting this week.

  1. In every marriage there is the Wow and the How.
  2. If you don’t execute, a dream is just a nap.
  3. Our dreams should outstretch us.  Where people get overwhelmed is the dreams  get stuck.
  4. Five Life Goals – Family, Spouse, Financial, Career/Work, Health.  If Jesus doesn’t show up in these, I have failed.  Jesus doesn’t need to be a separate category.
  5. My wife and kids are separated.  I didn’t marry my kids.  Many times when they go away to college, the marriage suffers.
  6. I break down how I’m doing on my goals on a quarterly basis.
  7. You have a 30-day review, a quarterly review, and an annual review.  But the most important is looking at it weekly because it helps me execute.
  8. Life will lead you or you will lead your life.
  9. I hire great people and get out of the way.
  10. I cast vision, I raise money, and I encourage the staff.
  11. What are the three things I’ve got to do this week?
  12. A lot of people have big dreams.  They get impatient and then they walk away.
  13. First, reflect on your last week.
  14. What fuels things is how I feel.  If I don’t feel good, it affects how I am as a husband and how I am as a dad.
  15.  Second, look at your weekly goals.  This helps focus on strategic relationships.
  16. I have a goal of writing three thank-you notes a week.
  17. Third is tools.  This ultimately leads to three goals, things I want to accomplish this week.  The secret is looking at this for two minutes a day.
  18. I have a reading goal every week.
  19. The best thing about this is it lets me know when I’m behind.
  20. The goal is not perfection.  The goal is progress…I believe in steady plodding.
  21. Only 3% of Americans have goals.  Only 1% write them down.  But that 1% exponentially achieves their goals over others.
  22. There are curriculum goals and measurable goals.
  23. Prepare your spouse to be a widow.  The people that didn’t have life insurance are the ones who needed it.
  24. If I get wins early in the week, it gets me going for the rest of the week.
  25. The most difficult person I lead is me.
  26. There is humility and there is false humility.
  27. For creative people, every canvas has a border.  Songs are three minutes on the radio.  Every great painting has a frame.
  28. Steve Jobs says, “Real artists ship the product.”
  29. In the church world, “I’m relying on the Holy Spirit” is code for I haven’t done the work.
  30. Stephen King’s goal is to write a 1000 words-a-day six-days-a-week.

Bonus – Frustration is when you are this close to figuring out something you don’t know. – Casey Graham


pbs-stanley-300Would you like to hear how Andy Stanley, Steven Furtick, Louie Giglio, and Mark Driscoll prepare their messages?

Hosted by Jeff Henderson, all of this happens on Wednesday, May 1 at 12pm EDT.  And best of all, it’s 100% free. Preach Better Sermons is a free, four-hour, online conference focused on helping communicators prepare and deliver messages that matter.  Some of the best communicators in the world will unpack preaching principles you can use right away.

It’s 100% free and since it happens online, there are no travel costs.  Click here to register for the event now.

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.