7 Practices Of Highly Successful Leaders Under The Age Of 30

Andy Stanley once said, “Very few if any great ideas ever come from people over the age of 45.”  As a 47-year-old man, that was a sobering yet challenging statement.  What Andy said, however, made me pay special attention to young leaders and what they were thinking and saying.

In the June edition of Inc magazine, 30 highly successful leaders under the age of 30 are profiled.  The following are 7 leadership quotes and habits selected from that group which you can learn from regardless of your age.

  1. Anticipation – “Fashion gives you enough advance warning that by the time the style gets there, we as buyers can already be buying those things.” – Chelsea Sloan, co-founder of Uptown Cheapskate
  2. Automation – “A phone can be so much more than just a communications device.  It can be your personal fitness trainer and your nutritionist.” – Julia Hu of Lark Technologies
  3. Efficiency – Justin Rosenstein and Dustin Moskovitz, co-founders of Asana, estimate office workers spend 60% to 90% of their time doing “work about work”.  This would include phone calls, emails, etc…  They feel the closer that number could come to zero, “we could potentially double the effectiveness of humanity.”
  4. Focus – “My dad always tells me, ‘Son, you can’t boil the ocean.’ As much as I want to boil that ocean, I think it’s better to do one thing really well than a bunch of things mediocre,” – Eric Fortenberry of OrgSync
  5. Production – “We focus on bottom-line numbers, we have the oldest blog, we have the book. We’re still doing the stuff we did right when we started.” – Shama Kabani, whom Inc calls The Queen Of Social Media.  She runs Marketing Zen Group and is the author of The Zen Of Social Media Marketing.
  6. Production To Scale – “My concept used to be that to make more money I needed more product. “That’s not a total fallacy, but it’s not a linear relationship. The key is figuring out what footage people really want, and using that knowledge to sell fewer clips more times.” – Joel Holland (@VideoBlocks) who sells stock video footage through his company Video Blocks
  7. Going Virtual – “One of my biggest concerns initially was that he didn’t have a headquarters.  Now I’m able to look at this organization and know that it’s 100 percent virtual and it’s absolutely amazing how efficiently it runs. The back-end infrastructure is really impressive. There’s not a person who sees it that isn’t impressed.” – Kevin Bromber, general manager and executive vice president for Avanques

Anticipation, Automation, Efficiency, Focus, Production, Production to Scale, and Going Virtual.  These are 7 Practices Of Highly Successful Leaders Under The Age Of 30.  If you participate these 7 practices, you should be successful as well.


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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.