Live Blog From The 2013 Global Leadership Summit – 15 Leadership Quotes From Bill Hybels, Jim Mellado, and Gary Schwammlein

We are getting ready for the final two sessions of the Willow Creek Global Leadership Summit.  I to say again a sincere “Thank You” to The Rocket Company for allowing me to attend.

The final session included a conversation on succession between Bill Hybels, outgoing WCA president Jim Mellado (quotes 2-7) and the organization’s incoming leader Gary Schwammlein (quotes 9-.

The following are the leadership comments from their session:

  1. When someone has lead well in a church, you should give them appropriate honor. – Bill Hybels
  2. There really aren’t words I just want to say “Thank You.”
  3. There were just a dozen employees when I joined the Summit.
  4. My kids came to Christ here.  I got to baptize them in the lake.
  5. My kids grew up understanding community and service.
  6. I’ve got to thank my mentor Bill who gave me the gift of belief, the gift of opportunity, and gave me the gift of reprimands when I needed it.
  7. Bill, I love you.
  8. We’re going to do Kingdom mischief together for the rest of our lives. – Hybels
  9. I turned 70 this May.
  10. There are churches all over the world that are not the hope of the world.  I grew up in one and left it as soon as I could.
  11. When I see churches operating at a low passion level it angers me.
  12. Leadership matters.
  13. The leadership gift enables all the other gifts to flourish.
  14. If you want your leadership to matter, lead in the things that matter to God.
  15. I’m a proponent of not putting an agent limit on who can contribute in a major way.


Click here or the image provided to register for a FREE webinar  put on by The Rocket Company on August 20th where we will teach on creating and implementing healthy systems in your church.  Healthy systems are the #1 thing needed for your church to grow and reach its full redemptive potential.

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.