Live Blog From The 2013 Global Leadership Summit – 17 Leadership Quotes From Andy Stanley

We are heading down the home stretch of the Willow Creek Global Leadership Summit.  I am extremely grateful to The Rocket Company for allowing me to attend.

The final session included leadership lessons from the incomparable Andy Stanley of North Point Ministries.  You can order his landmark book Deep & Wide by clicking here.

The following are his life-changing lessons:

  1. Jesus did not predict a place (church).  He predicted a people.
  2. The only thing, the epicenter, for every single one of us is “I am the Christ.  The Son of the Living God.”
  3. When Jesus made His promise, He didn’t blink.  He didn’t flinch.
  4. Jesus has been at the epicenter of the local church for 2000 years.  He has and will continue to build His church and nobody’s death is going to stop it.
  5. In the United States of America, we’ve been a majority for so long we speak with an authority we don’t have.
  6. This was their message – You killed Him.  God raised Him from the dead.  Say You’re Sorry.
  7. 3,000 became Jesus followers and you know why.  Because Jesus raised from the dead.
  8. The central teaching of the church was not something was true.  The central teaching of the church was something happened.
  9. Our Savior is so committed to building His church that He will interrupt plans.
  10. James the brother of Jesus may be our strongest argument for the deity of Christ.  What would your brother have to do to convince you he is the Son of God.
  11. If a guy can predict his death and resurrection and pull it off, I’m with Him.
  12. Jesus is The Lord and The Savior of the world.
  13. I’m one of those parents who refuses to take kids places too early.
  14. In your most discouraging moment, there is a cross hanging over the Emperor’s Gate in the Roman Coliseum.
  15. People are going to name their kids Paul and Peter.  They are going to name their dogs Nero and Caesar.
  16. One day there will be no Roman Empire but the church of your Savior will be in every nation in the world.
  17. You will do profitable things with your life but you will never do something more significant with your life than build Jesus’s church because it is the activity of God on this earth.


Click here or the image provided to register for a FREE webinar  put on by The Rocket Company on August 20th where we will teach on creating and implementing healthy systems in your church.  Healthy systems are the #1 thing needed for your church to grow and reach its full redemptive potential.

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.