Live Blog From The 2013 Global Leadership Summit – 37 Leadership Quotes From Oscar Muriu and Henry Cloud

We are heading down the home stretch of the Willow Creek Global Leadership Summit.  I am extremely grateful to The Rocket Company for allowing me to attend.

John Bach – Interview by Nancy Beach, Bach advises Hollywood on how to reach the faith community.  Here are his comments:

  1. We’ve gone from them seeing us a pariah to them seeing us as a market.
  2. We are showing up to theaters.
  3. Hollywood is an industry that tries to catch lightening in a bottle twice.

Senior Pastor Oscar Muriu of the Nairobi Chapel in Kenya was the afternoon’s first speaker.  Nairobi Chapel averages 14,000 in weekly attendance.  The following were some of the top leadership quotes from his session:

  1. My personal leadership capacity was not going to keep up with such growth. – When the church was running 800.
  2. The size of your harvest depends on how many leaders you have…The problem is not with the harvest.  The harvest is plentiful.  The problem is with the harvesters.
  3. Jesus’s strategy was to first find his leaders, invest in them, and then focus on the harvest.
  4. If you don’t have leaders around you, the reach of your leadership will be the size of your personal capacity.
  5. One of the signs of great leadership is the amount of leaders you raise up and continue your work after you’re gone.
  6. The impact of your life will not depend on how hard you worked.  But rather, how many leaders you raised up.
  7. When you live for your own generation, you will grow up with your own generation and die with your own generation.  And your vision will die as well…Live for the next generation.
  8. Are the people I’m investing in are at least 20 years younger than me?
  9. Every leader on staff must surround themselves with 5 young people they are pouring their life into for at least one year.
  10. Some of your best leaders are right under your nose but you can’t see them.
  11. Identifying the budding leaders around you and dedicate them to the Lord in prayer.
  12. Instill the five loves into your budding leaders.  Love the Lord your God with all your heart (character), mind (comprehension), soul (convictions), and strength (competence) and love your neighbor as yourself (compassion).
  13. Never do ministry alone.  Always have budding leaders around you.
  14. Never be alone.  To be alone is a way to waste an opportunity with a young leader.
  15. The more harvesters you have the larger your harvest will be.
  16. We don’t have many resources but we innovate and innovate and innovate.

The afternoon’s first session was concluded by the wonderful Dr. Henry Cloud.  Dr. Cloud is a Summit regular and did not disappoint.  The following were some of his leadership quotes that we all can learn from.  You can order his great book Boundaries for Leaders by clicking here.

  1. As leaders you are people who take charge.
  2. Leaders don’t blame.  Leaders take the stewardship God has given and they exert energy in that space to lead people.
  3. The hardest thing a leader has to be in charge of is him or herself.
  4. Leaders who succeed in hard times think, feel, and see differently than those who do not.
  5. If you have a chose between those who can but think they can’t and those who can’t but think they can, choose those who think they can every time.
  6. The #1 factor in success is do you think it can happen.
  7. Learned Helplessness you are designed by God to be in a cause and effect universe.  Until you find yourself in a circumstance where you are facing things you do not control.
  8. When facing circumstances out of your control, your brain interprets it personally.  What have I’ve done wrong?
  9. When facing circumstances our of your control, your brain interprets it pervasively.  Everything becomes bad.
  10. The third “P” is permanent.  It’s always going to be this way.
  11. Science and the Bible always agree in a place called the reality.  And if they don’t agree you have bad science or wacky Christians and there’s no shortage of either.
  12. Log them and dispute them.  Write down the negative thoughts.  99% will be false…Dispute it with God’s word.
  13. There is a difference between your brain and mind.  Your brain is an organ subject to chemicals.
  14. Your life is a movie.  It’s not a scene.  Every great movie has crisis scenes.  It’s the brains that see it as a great movie that win.
  15. Create two columns.  What you can control and what you can’t control.  The people that are thriving have a list of things they CAN do.
  16. Your brain needs fuel.  Your brain runs on oxygen, glucose, and relationship.  You need to connect.
  17. The opposite of bad is not good.  The opposite of bad is love.
  18. Just by putting the monkey’s buddy in the cage with him, the stress letter drops by 50%.


Click here or the image provided to register for a FREE webinar  put on by The Rocket Company on August 20th where we will teach on creating and implementing healthy systems in your church.  Healthy systems are the #1 thing needed for your church to grow and reach its full redemptive potential.

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.