Nothing Excites Leaders More Than This

Several years ago while working for the John Maxwell Organization, I was having a conversation with a co-worker about John’s non-profit group EQUIP.  If you are unfamiliar with EQUIP, their team provides leadership training to Christian leaders and the business community around the globe.

I asked why the company was so successful.  My friend said, “Brian, nothing excites leaders more than training and investing in other leaders.”

It is important to understand leaders are on a common journey.  They often face similar issues.  They are stretched by other leaders and challenged in a positive way.  Investing in leaders multiplies one’s influence.  There is no better use of a leader’s time than investing in other leaders.

As a leader, your success is directly tied to connecting the leaders on your team with other leaders.  How are you doing in this area?

Here is an action step for anyone who leads a team of people – Find a way to connect your leaders with other leaders.  Everyone wins when leaders get better.

As I looked at The Top 10 Most Read Leadership Posts From September as determined by you the readers, I thought about these truths.  5 of the top 10 dealt directly with leaders engaging other leaders.  And you could make an argument the other 5 indirectly dealt with the subject also.

Check these out.  They will make you a better leader.

  1. 15 Quotes From Rick and Kay Warren’s Interview With CNN’s Piers Morgan
  2. 7 Things Churches Can Do To Honor Those Who Visit Their Weekend Services
  3. 7 Practices Of The Best Leaders Who Also Have A Life Outside Of Work
  4. 11 Signs When A Leader Is In Trouble
  5. 14 Practices Of Churches Who Build Successful Partnerships With Their City
  6. 30 Practices Of Leaders Who Are The Best Of Their Generation: Leadership Quotes From Tom Brady
  7. 9 Reasons Good Teams Suddenly Perform Badly
  8. 5 Practices Of Successful Leaders Who Survived Difficult Times
  9. 6 Things Older Leaders Can Do To Change A Young Leader’s Life
  10. 15 Perks Leaders Receive


The Get More Volunteers online conference will connect you to other leaders.  Hosted by Tony Morgan, this event features great leaders like Reggie Joiner, Perry Noble, Chris Hodges and Derwin Gray.  I’ll even be playing a role.  Click here or on the image provided to sign up.  I recommend you get your entire volunteer team to watch.  You’ll be glad you did.

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.