2 Things Churches Must Do To Remain Relevant

What was once popular, relevant, and a significant part of our life can one day become dull and boring.  Things we once cleared our calendar for can become so irrelevant we no longer consider it a viable option for our time.

In 1971, 37 million out of 61 million American households watched the Pittsburgh Pirates beat the Baltimore Orioles in Game 7 win the World Series.  Fox is hoping for just 10 million households this year.  This is a significant drop in viewership.

As Christian leaders we should learn the reasons why and avoid the same mistakes ourselves.

The decline of baseball’s popularity is much discussed.  Experts talk about the game’s slow pace, late start times, and lack of offense.  These are true but earlier this week ESPN’s Keith Olbermann offered two additional insights which pastors and church leaders should pay particular attention to.  You can watch Olbermann’s full report by clicking here.

Increased Options For People’s Time – If the World Series were to go seven games it will have competed with Thursday night football, Sunday night football, Monday night football, six college games featuring ranked teams, and the opening of the NBA season.  Locally, the Red Sox will even have to compete with the Bruins and Celtics twice.

The options for people’s time is vast – television, video games, vacation homes, youth sports, the lake, fatigue, etc.., etc…, etc..

The quality of our services must be so challenging, relevant, and have such a level of excellence that nothing the world could offer would possibly be as attractive or compelling.

An Expanded Leadership Base – Olbermann theorizes that beginning in the 1960’s, baseball began attempting to eliminate national teams like the Yankees and Dodgers.  They wanted a level playing field.  Unknowingly, they created mediocrity.

The NFL on the other hand wanted to create national teams like the Packers, Cowboys, and Raiders.  As a result, the NFL created national fan bases.  So much so that every NFL team now has a national following.

ESPN reports that 70% of fans will watch games their team is not playing in. 50% of fans will even watch another game WHILE their hometown team is playing.  I am such a fan.

What the NFL knew is the more teams you have with a large following, large influence, the more successful and relevant their league would be.

Churches who are able to identify, develop, and unleash larger numbers of leaders, people with influence, the more successful and relevant their ministry would be.

Compelling Services and an Expanded Leadership Base.  Pastors and church leaders, let’s learn from baseball.  These are two things churches must do to remain relevant.

The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader
The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader

I want to help you expand the leadership base in your church.  This week I launched my new book 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.  With compelling simplicity this unique book examines 10 of those practices—each centered on a key word, a key statement and a key application.  I am offering special introductory pricing for bulk orders for individual and small group studies.  I recommend you get one for every new, emerging, and existing leader you have.  And then form small groups for leaders to connect and discipleship.  This resource will give you better leaders and, subsequently, a better church.

Click here or on the image provided to order your copies today.


Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.