10 Things Which Will Disqualify You From Leadership

Whenever I talk with young leaders we often discuss what a leader is and what a leader is not.  Many times they focus on skills and the ability to complete a task or assignment.  While those things are important I remind them of something more important.  Something which is enduring.  I remind young leaders of the following:

  1. Loyalty alone does not make you a leader.  But disloyalty disqualifies you from being one.
  2. Honesty alone does not make you a leader.  But dishonesty disqualifies you from being one.
  3. Integrity alone does not make you a leader.  But a lack of integrity disqualifies you from being one.
  4. People skills alone does not make you a leader.  But a lack of people skills disqualifies you from being one.
  5. Generosity alone does not make you a leader.  But selfishness will eventually disqualify you from being one.
  6. Self-control alone does not make you a leader.  But anger will eventually disqualify you from being one.
  7. Being under authority alone does not make you a leader.  But rebellion disqualifies you from being one.
  8. Trustworthiness alone does not make you a leader.  But being untrustworthy disqualifies you from being one.
  9. Respect alone does not make you a leader.  But disrespect disqualifies you from being one.
  10. Caring for others alone does not make you a leader.  But not caring for others disqualifies you from being one.

What do you tell others leadership is and is not?


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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.