25 Leadership Lessons For Parents

Michael Lukaszewski and I are great friends.  Prior to rejoining the Injoy Stewardship Solutions team (more on that next week) we worked together for the last year at The Rocket Company.  He has just authored an amazing parenting book entitled “No Matter What: 10 Lessons From A Father“.  I cannot recommend this book enough.  You can order your copy HERE or on the image to the left.

The following are 25 Leadership Lessons For Parents from the book No Matter What every parent should read:

  1. “The most important book I’ve ever written is aimed squarely at a micro slice of the population…my three children.”
  2. “I think the most important things fathers leave their children are wisdom and knowledge, memories and love.”
  3. “When I put you to bed, I tell you ‘I will always love you no matter what.’  I want you to grow up knowing that.  I want you to know it’s not your performance or obedience that keeps our relationship strong.”
  4. “I’ve often wondered why terrible things like slavery, genocide and homelessness happen on wide scales.  I don’t image people wake up with a natural acceptance of these things.  But gradually, bad things become normal.  We accept them, and we’re inoculated to their horror.”
  5. “Anyone can (and will) join a movement when it’s popular and comfortable.  But it takes a person of strength and integrity to stand up and stand out from the crowd.”
  6. “Here’s what I know about God: Who He is trumps what you’ve done.  Our sin is a big deal, but God’s grace is even bigger.”
  7. “God is a God of second chances.  He wants to do the right thing and make the right choices.  He wants us to follow Him with our lives.  He wants us to trust Him with our whole hearts.  But when we don’t, He doesn’t abandon us.”
  8. “The name-calling will sting for a brief moment, but you will learn it doesn’t really matter because there are far greater insults that may come your way…One of the realities of life is people will say hurtful things to you and you will feel pain.”
  9. “You can’t control other people’s actions.  You can’t reach into their lives and make decisions for them.  You’re also not responsible for other people’s actions.  But you can control your own actions.  And you are responsible for your own behavior.”
  10. “Doing easy stuff won’t bring you deep satisfaction.  But accomplishing hard things will.”
  11. “Look beneath the surface and you’ll find natural talent is cultivated through years of practice.”
  12. “Real accomplishments are measured in days and years, not in seconds and minutes.”
  13. “Today, young people are starting things, making things, and building things.  There are people younger than you serving people, helping people and making a difference.  Youth is not a barrier to accomplishment if you’re willing to do the work.”
  14. “Going to church is a good thing, but it’s not the same as putting your faith in Jesus and becoming a Christian.”
  15. “I look back on my time in church and my decision to follow Jesus, I don’t regret it one bit.  I might have missed some of the things other people did, but most of those things turned out to be harmful.”
  16. “God’s way isn’t always popular, but it is always best.”
  17. “Adults don’t only compare themselves to other adults; they compare their kids to other people’s kids.”
  18. “Comparison is a depressing friend, sharing a drink from the pitcher of pity.”
  19. “I’d rather you spend your time and energy trying to be like the real heroes all around us.  Hollywood doesn’t tell their stories in blockbuster movies,and the news doesn’t report on their actions.  But everyday civil servants, doctors, nurses, teachers, pastors and people from all walks of life perform unreported heroic acts.”
  20. “Back in the 1960s, people said their biggest influences in life were parents, teachers and pastors.  Today, friends and media are at the top of the list.”
  21. “Foolish people might know the right thing to do, but they make decisions based on feelings instead of principles.”
  22. “I’d choose people (as friends) who loved Jesus and the church.”
  23. “I hope you do great things that matter.  But even if people forget your accomplishments, they won’t forget you took the time to be a friend when it mattered most.”
  24. “Money helps meet your needs but won’t ultimately satisfy your soul.”
  25. “One of the reasons I want you to have money is so you can be in a position to respond to God when He gives you opportunities…Broke people can’t give.”

I told you Michael’s thoughts were worth reading.  Once again, click HERE or on the image below and order his book today.

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.