Live Blog From 2014 Orange Conference – 36 Leadership Quotes From Perry Noble And Senior Pastors Luncheon

Back for Day 3 of the Orange Conference is wrapping up!  I want to thank Orange for allowing me to be part of their blogging team and Injoy Stewardship Solutions (ISS) for allowing me to attend this amazing event.

The final session I attend is the Senior Pastors Luncheon.  Led by Carey Nieuwhof, Jeff Henderson, Perry Noble and others.  This is my favorite session each year.  The following are 36 leadership quotes I captured during the session.  The quotes of each speaker are by their comments.

  1. Leadership is not as only as it needs to be. – CN
  2. When kids invite their parents to church the parents are almost guilted into going. – JH
  3. The secret sauce to North Point is incredible ministry to children. – JH
  4. I see three things in children’s ministry – Clean, Safe and Fun.  Parents don’t care about anything else. – PN
  5. Kids don’t care about theology.  They just want to have fun. – PN
  6. This generation is not as unchurched as we think they’re going to be. – PN
  7. Every church planter you meet wants to tell you why their town is the worst place to plant a church. – PN
  8. The sooner we can get students to start serving in the church the quicker they’re going to fall in love with the church. – JH
  9. Every family I see I get in my mind they’re just jacked up. – PN
  10. Everybody in the church we come from fallen backgrounds. – PN
  11. Everybody’s family we all have issues.  If we run away from issues we need to give up.  You need to be involved in one messy situation currently. – JH
  12. I would much rather have that conversation (a lesbian couple) than someone who thinks the music is too loud. – JH
  13. It’s O.K. if you disagree with the way I do ministry.  There’s two type of questions – Clarification, Condemnation.  You can take the questions on Condemnation and stick them where the sun don’t shine. – PN
  14. The person with an experience is not held captive by a person with an opinion. – Dave Ramsey
  15. I’m O.K. with someone who has a problem.  It’s the way they approach it. – PN
  16. We can focus on the table prepared for us or our enemies. – PN
  17. The world is watching us beat each other up. – JH
  18. My kids love the church.  Sundays is one of their highlights of the week. – JH
  19. Everything really does affect everything. – PN
  20. You can’t get over it because you never dealt with it. – PN
  21. I had 20 years of pent up emotions that were killing my soul. – PN
  22. I was a control freak and the church got so big I couldn’t control it. – PN
  23. If you’re struggle with something and the people of God fire you, you don’t have a lot of people who love God. – PN
  24. You believer two lies.  No one will understand me and I have no one to talk to about this. – PN
  25. More is a mirage. – JH
  26. If you have a big church, you think all your issues will go away.  They get amplified. – JH
  27. If I’m satisfied with Jesus, I’ll take what comes my way. – JH
  28. God couldn’t let it explode if I was not healthy…If you want to see your ministry grow, get healthy.  If you get healthy, slow down. – PN
  29. You need to have someone check in on you periodically.  Someone must be able to check on you and see where you are physically and emotionally. – JH
  30. Often in congregational ministry you just feel trapped. – CN
  31. The problem we face as pastors is we don’t have a release valve…We don’t have the safe environment. – PN
  32. Anybody on our staff that is struggling with anything can come forward, admit their struggle and not be fired. – PN
  33. Who can pastor the pastors? – PN
  34. I really do feel good about the future of the church. – PN
  35. You’re tweeting your burger but I’m tweeting someone coming to Jesus. – PN
  36. Just because the world’s in bad shape doesn’t give us permission to be in bad shape. – PN


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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.