Live Notes From Leadercast – 28 Leadership Lessons And Quotes From Andy Stanley

Today I am being dispatched by Injoy Stewardship Solutions (ISS) to attend the Chick-Fil-A Leadercast.  In an effort to grow in my skills to better add value to pastors and church leaders, I will be live blogging throughout.

The first speaker was Andy Stanley, the great pastor of North Point Community Church in Atlanta, GA. There is no better communicator of leadership than Andy.

The following are his thoughts on Beyond You leadership:

  1. Beyond You leaders are leaders who fearlessly and selflessly empower leaders around them, as well as those coming along behind them.
  2. Part of my responsibility as a leader is to look for next-generation leaders and invest them.
  3. Fearless is not being afraid of the 25-year-old kid in your organization who is smarter than you.
  4. I’m going to pour into leaders when there is no benefit to me personally.
  5. Every single leader has power.
  6. Your words as a leader sometimes weigh 100 lbs.  Sometimes they weigh a 1,000 lbs.
  7. As a leader sometimes you don’t think about who reports to you, you think of who you report to.
  8. Every time you use your power you use it for somebody.
  9. The value of a life is always measured by how much of it was given away.
  10. At funerals we never celebrate accumulation.
  11. At funerals we always celebrate generosity and selflessness.
  12. We celebrate generosity but we envy accumulation.
  13. Life’s got to be beyond you, not about you.
  14. Make as few decisions as possible.  One of the most empowering things you can do is refuse to make decisions other people can make.
  15. If you have the power to make the decision and you give away that power, you have empowered another person.
  16. Practice saying these words, “You Decide.”
  17. Leadership is not about making all the decisions.  Leadership is making sure all the decisions were made right.
  18. As your organizational authority increases, your organizational IQ decreases.
  19. Some bosses confuse authority with competency.
  20. One of the best ways to find out who your best decision-makers are is to let them make decisions.
  21. Work for your team.  One of the most empowering things you can do is ask this question, “What can I do to help?”
  22. I want to loan you my influence.
  23. You often don’t ask, “What can I do to help?” because you’re afraid they might have an answer.
  24. Empty Your Cup.  I don’t have everything needed to fill your cup.  Our responsibility is to empty our cup.
  25. You are smarter than you think…You have something to offer.
  26. “I’ll start when I’m the boss.”  If you don’t do it now you want do it then because you will think you got there by hoarding.
  27. If your leadership isn’t all about you, it will live beyond you.
  28. If your leadership is all about you, it will not live beyond you except to be someone’s bad example.

Getting ready for Dr. Henry Cloud.

FREE Webinar
FREE Webinar

I would like to invite everyone reading this post to watch a FREE May 20th webinar put on by Joe Sangl and the ISS team entitled 3 Things Every Church Needing A Capital Campaign Must Know.  Simply click here or on the image to the left to receive your complimentary resource.

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.