Live Notes From Leadercast – 44 Leadership Lessons And Quotes From Simon Sinek And Bill McDermott

Today I am being dispatched by Injoy Stewardship Solutions (ISS) to attend the Chick-Fil-A Leadercast.  In an effort to grow in my skills to better add value to pastors and church leaders, I will be live blogging throughout.

The final session featured speakers was Bill McDermott and Simon Sinek.  The following are their thoughts on Beyond You leadership:

Simon Sinek, author of Start With Why

  1. I talk about being human and doing good for each other.  There is a high demand for this and that is depressing.
  2. The military gives medals to people so others may gain.  In business we give bonuses to people when others do not gain.
  3. We are social animals.  We can put a good person in a bad environment and they are capable of bad things.
  4. Leaders set the tone.
  5. We can’t solve complex problems by ourselves but in groups we are remarkable.
  6. The only thing which we have control of is the environment inside the organization.
  7. At the sound of violence it’s a mother’s instinct to throw themselves on the top of their child.
  8. When danger threatens, it’s the leaders instinct to save their teams.
  9. Mass layoffs to balance the books is a new concept.
  10. It’s better we all suffer a little than anyone suffer a lot.
  11. We call someone a leader because they go first.
  12. There is only one characteristic any successful leader needs to have – courage.
  13. Leaders want to see their people grow up, have opportunity and get an education…It’s taking care of others.
  14. Officers eat last.
  15. Leadership is a responsibility, not a rank.
  16. When we’re willing to put the well-being of someone ahead of us, they will do it for you.
  17. You can measure leadership on a daily basis just like you can’t measure parenting on a daily basis.
  18. The things that are easy to measure cause us to sacrifice good leadership.
  19. Leadership is a practice, not an event.  An off-site does not make us a leader.  It is a daily practice of putting the well-being of others ahead of ourselves.
  20. The more authority we are given to look out for the people around can have a magnificent impact on the organization.
  21. Ours is a world lacking in great leaders today.
  22. Congress is a mirror to us.  We’re the polarized ones.  We’re the divided ones.  We’re the ones who don’t listen.
  23. Of all the things we need to lead the most significant is telling the truth.
  24. All we want to do is feel safe with the people we work.

Bill McDermott

  1. Leaders have one thing perfectly in common, leaders have followers.
  2. All winners have a dream.
  3. As a teenager, I was broke but I had heart.
  4. I had a feel for one thing – the customer.  It all begins and ends with the customer.
  5. Blue collars working are rich on Friday night and broke on Sunday morning.
  6. All the bees come to the honey.
  7. Dream jobs aren’t easy.
  8. Always be open and agile for every situation.  Every canned situation you have in your mind about meetings can always change.  Be aware of who has the power to make things change.
  9. There’s two kinds of people in corporations – Those that when opportunity knocks they head out for opportunity.  And those who wait for the perfect opportunity.   When opportunity knocks, you have to be ready to go.
  10. I spent my first three weeks in my new position just listening as to why they were 66 out of 66 in production.
  11. In business everybody so busy telling people what to do they forget to listen.  And people always listen.
  12. High level of expectation, with an incredibly simple plan, became the driving force of this underground coming from behind to win the race.
  13. The plan built around the desires of the people with a great goal is powerful.
  14. I am petrified of leaders who don’t understand the power of celebrated victories.
  15. The first thing that has to change is the headset about what is possible.
  16. Whatever your dreams are, double it.
  17. This is a world where purpose matters more than ever before.
  18. We’re either getting better, bored or broke.
  19. Have an audacious bold dream of who you are and what you mean to this world.
  20. Be strong, resilient and don’t let anybody take your winner’s dream away from you.

FREE Webinar

I would like to invite everyone reading this post to watch a FREE May 20th webinar put on by Joe Sangl and the ISS team entitled 3 Things Every Church Needing A Capital Campaign Must Know.  Simply click here or on the image to the left to receive your complimentary resource.

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.