3 Surprising Things Leaders Do Not Need To Do With Their Money

On Sunday August 10th, Fellowship Bible Church (GA) senior pastor Crawford Loritts preached a challenging message on how to best deal with money and possessions.  I captured his life-changing thoughts in the post 26 Lessons About Generosity Every Pastor And Christian Leader Should Know.

Today was the second of a 4-part series which you can listen to by clicking here.  Crawford covered 3 Surprising Things Leaders Do Not Need To Do With Their Money – Don’t Love It, Don’t Be Addicted To It and Don’t Be Afflicted By It.  Each of those truths are explored in greater detail below.

Introductory Comments

  1. Giving is not about strategy or what you have but about the condition of our hearts.
  2. Money speaks.  Money is a character witness.  Are we really generous?
  3. Money is objective.  It is not neutral.  It speaks eloquently about what our values are.
  4. The three things which drive us to idolatry are sex, unbridled ambition and money.

Money – Don’t Love It

  1. When we love money we buy more trouble than we can afford
  2. To love money is to be asked to be put in bondage.
  3. The love of money means I have replaced God with resources.
  4. Immorality hovers over all professional sports.  You do stuff because you can.
  5. The love of money has stifled our hearts.
  6. The love of money is to ask for mental anguish.

Money – Don’t Be Addicted To It 

  1. There is an addictive element to money.
  2. Our appetite becomes a craving that is never satisfied.
  3. You have to be careful of the covetousness that surrounds money.  Addiction is the love of more.  Money is addictive and unsatisfactory.
  4. Addictive people are always distracted.
  5. Sometimes we just need to confront our greed.
  6. As Christians, we are great at sanctifying our greed.
  7. Only content people know what joy is.  Those addicted to money and resources only know fleeting happiness.

Money – Don’t Be Conflicted By It

  1. We become deceived, frustrated followers when we try to serve God and money.  A spiritual schizophrenia won’t work.
  2. We cannot serve two masters at the same time.
  3. Our hearts are idol factories.  We are born with a bent toward idolatry.
  4. What ultimately determines our behaviors and responses is what we sacrifice for and becomes the focus of our worship.
  5. God is to be the sole single object of our worship.
  6. We worship the one who (we feel) takes care of us.
  7. Don’t go after the resource.  Run to the source.
  8. You have to decide to make your money worship God.
  9. When we pay God first we remind ourself that He is Lord.
  10. All of your money is holy.  We need to sanctify it.

3 Reasons God Gives Us Money  

  1. To advance His cause.
  2. To take care of ourselves and families.
  3. To enjoy life.

Final Instructions – Crawford left our congregation with two things to pray for today.  Let us know if you prayed either of these prayers.

  1. Ask God for forgiveness if you have placed money over Him.
  2. Pray over your computer, wallet and checkbook.  Then ask God what He wants you to do with His money.

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.