17 Practices Of Highly Successful Leaders: Little League head coach Dave Belisle

This year’s annual Little League World Series has provided multiple examples of incredible leadership.  One such example is Cumberland (R.I.) Americans head coach David Belisle.  Once the Americans were officially eliminated from contention, cameras captured Belisle’s post-game meeting with the team (see above).

Belisle’s interaction with the team is as inspirational a moment as you will ever see.  As I watched Belisle communicate with this group of 10-to-12 year old athletes, I gleaned 17 Practices Of Highly Successful Leaders.  

If you utilize these practices, you will see greater performance and loyalty from those you lead:

  1. Highly Successful Leaders Immediately Connect With Their Audience – Belisle’s first words were, “Let me see your eyes guys.”
  2. Highly Successful Leaders Start With The Positive – You never have to recover from a good start.  Belisle began by saying, “There’s no disappointment in your effort, in the tournament, in the whole season.  It’s been an incredible journey.”
  3. Highly Successful Leaders Lead From A Foundation Of Facts – Facts are your friends.  Smart leaders are data-driven and use this information to support their statements.  Belisle pointed to the scoreboard and said, “Look at the score. 8 to 7.  12 to 10 in hits.”
  4. Highly Successful Leaders Give Their Teams A Sense Of Identity – Belisle lifted the team’s spirits by reminding them, “We didn’t quit.  That’s us.”
  5. Highly Successful Leaders Instill A Sense Of Pride In Their Teams –  Belisle contintues, “But you’re gong to bring back something no other team can provide.  That’s pride.”
  6. Highly Successful Leaders Enable Us To Impact The Lives Of Others – Belisle reminded the team of the impact they had on their entire community.  He said, “You’re gong to take that for the rest of your life what you provided for a town in Cumberland.  You had the whole town jumping.”
  7. Highly Successful Leaders Build Character – Having character does not make you a leader.  However, a lack of character disqualifies you from leadership.  Belisle said, “They like guys who play the game the right way.  If everyone played baseball like the Cumberland Americans this would be the greatest game.”
  8. Highly Successful Leaders Have Fun – If you as a leader never have any fun, why would someone follow you?  Belisle understands this as he said, “But we’re going to have some more fun.”
  9. Highly Successful Leaders Have Consistent Messaging –  Smart leaders consistently drive home their point.  Belisle continually used the term “awesome” when describing his team.  He crescendoed his message by proclaiming, “You guys are awesome, awesome, absolutely awesome.”
  10. Highly Successful Leaders Touch Our Emotions – To effectively lead someone you must know what they laugh about, cry about and dream about.  Who was not moved emotionally when Belisle said, “It’s OK to cry because we’re not going to play baseball together anymore.”
  11. Highly Successful Leaders Focus On What Is Lasting – When the balls and strikes have quit being called, it is the friendships which will remain.  Belisle said, “But we’re going to be friends forever.”
  12. Highly Successful Leaders Finish Well – Insightful leaders know last impressions last.  Belisle reminded his team, “And our Little League careers have ended on the most positive note there could ever be.”
  13. Highly Successful Leaders Provide Perspective – Belisle reminded his team, “We’re one of the best teams in the world.  Think about that.  The world.”
  14. Highly Successful Leaders Make Family A Priority – A balanced life is critical to the success of a team.  Belisle said, “So we need to go see our parents because they’re so proud of you.”
  15. Highly Successful Leaders Are Bridge Builders – Effective leaders bring people together.  Ineffective leaders create walls and cause isolation.  Belisle said, “I want everyone to come in for one big hug.”
  16. Highly Successful Leaders Celebrate Accomplishment – Belisle proudly proclaimed, “Then we’re going to celebrate.  We’re going to celebrate with our parents and then come home to one big parade.”
  17. Highly Successful Leaders Care Deeply For Their Team – Belisle concluded, “I love you guys.  I love you forever and you’ve given me the most precious moment of my athletic and coaching career.”

What other leadership lessons did you learn from Coach Belisle during the World Series?


Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.