Live Blog From Double Conference: 36 Leadership Quotes From Lee McDerment

In an effort to add maximum value to pastors and church leaders, INJOY Stewardship Solutions has dispatched me to attend the Double Conference at NewSpring Church.  During the next two days, I will be bringing some of the top leadership lessons from the conference designed to challenge and equip pastors and church leaders to double in weekly attendance.

Today’s first breakout session was conducted by Lee McDerment, NewSpring Church’s Worship Pastor, who taught Worship: How To Create Vision, Leadership, And Culture.  The following are 36 leadership quotes and lessons from this incredibly helpful session:

  1. My first Sunday the church had 75 people. (today they run over 45,000)
  2. “We can’t pay you but we’ll help you find a job.”  Pastors, that’s a great line to use with worship leaders.
  3. We went from 500 to 1,500 in six weeks.  God blew it up.  We didn’t do anything different.
  4. We were running 4,000 and then doubled to over 8,000 in a year.
  5. In worship, we’re guided by I’m a child of God first.  A minister to people second.  A worship leader third.
  6. If you know who you are in Christ, you can be free from the jail that is the stage.
  7. You don’t have to be known by the people because you’re known by the King of the universe.
  8. Musical readiness is important.  Spiritual readiness is more important and the next steps you are taking.
  9. If I’m concerned with my lead guitarist’s heart he will give me great solos on Sunday morning.
  10. I will be serving people all my life on this earth.  I will not always be on the stage.
  11. The songs might be done well but the most important thing may be a conversation I have in the lobby that Sunday.
  12. If you value God’s people He will help you do great artwork.
  13. The vision for our services in how we use music – Engage Outsiders and Build Up Believers.
  14. It’s not about us.  It’s about fishing for people and feeding sheep.
  15. The best of my time and resources as a worship leader are going to be spent in my personal development.  How much I pray and how well I know the scriptures really, really does matter.  Being a good singer does not make you a worship leader.
  16. You need a great worship leader who cares more about the Bride of Christ than his own fame.
  17. People are worth more than their skills and gifts.
  18. Your whole job as a worship leader is to bring attention to someone else (Jesus).
  19. The vision of this church is absolutely captivating to me.  I love seeing people get saved.
  20. The end goal is always to serve the people in the seats.  Not us.
  21. Most people who come to NewSpring listen to Top 40 radio.
  22. Perry knows our people so well.  When God puts something on his heart, I try to do it as much as possible.
  23. The best answer to any pastor from a worship leader is “Yes comma”.
  24. Working under authority, Perry is a conduit to the authority of Christ.  I want to be in that flow.
  25. Say “YES” quickly to your pastor.
  26. Earlier in my career, I was more concerned about my taste in music than actually serving people.
  27. Songs are just tools to get people closer to Jesus.  One song is as good as another.  The key is the person.
  28. Young people love hymns and the opportunity to connect with the older generation.  Just make sure you do it really well.
  29. At NewSpring we don’t do anything just to do it.
  30. God is a good father who will discipline His children if you make a mistake.  But take a risk.
  31. We don’t ever push anything at NewSpring as they are playing a gig.
  32. Because we have five services on a Sunday we have to steward our time very well so we often have scripts.
  33. We record all our rehearsals and play them back all week.
  34. I was the only worship leader on staff until we got to three-or-four thousand people.
  35. Planning well out in advance gives you time to pour into the people you’re leading.
  36. If you can raise up someone who can come in on Sunday, your value to the organization goes up.

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As a gift to all pastors and church leaders reading this post, INJOY Stewardship Solutions is pleased to offer your the FREE copy of our latest Ebook Nothing Grows A Church Faster.  This resource contains a complete done-for-you sermon series with outlines on stewardship and generosity.  This information will relieve stress and make you a better preacher.  Click HERE or on the image to the left to download this information.  Enjoy!

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.