Hear Brian Dodd Teach Generosity On A Free Webinar This Thursday, October 16th


This is a special invitation to the readers of this site.  It is truly a pleasure to provide you written content on a regular basis.  But this Thursday, October 16th at 1:00 PM EST I get the pleasure of teaching generosity on a FREE webinar put on by INJOY Stewardship Solutions entitled How To Raise More Money In 2015 Than You Ever Thought Possible.  It would be a joy to pour into your leadership in this venue.

When we announced this webinar we had no idea of the response but hundreds of pastors and church leaders have already signed up.  We must have hit a nerve!

Don’t you be the one to miss this incredible time of equipping and learning.  Click HERE to get signed up TODAY!

During this event, I will be sharing:

  1. 4 things every pastor and church leader wants in a generosity initiative.
  2. What a good timeline for raising significant financial resources in 2015 looks like.
  3. The elements needed to prepare your church thrive financially today AND in the future.
  4. Secrets to a successful debt retirement effort.
  5. What to do during multiple campaign environments.
  6. And of course some leadership lessons thrown in as well.


  • DATE  Thursday, October 16th
  • TIME  2:00 PM Eastern (1:00 PM Central; 12:00 PM Mountain; 11:00 AM Pacific)
  • DURATION  1 Hour
  • WHERE  Exclusively available LIVE ON-LINE
  • COST  There is no charge, but registration is required

Over the last 12 years I have been pouring all my heart, soul and intellect into helping pastors and church leaders raise significant capital and create cultures of generosity for one purpose  to enable their ministries to reach more people for Jesus Christ.

You will be getting my over a decade of experience compressed into a single hour.  No single hour will help you better prepare to be a fully-fund church in 2015 like this one.

I look forward to you joining me on Thursday.


Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.