8 Leadership Quotes And Lessons From Avengers: Age Of Ultron Trailer

Yesterday, the much anticipated Avengers: Age Of Ultron movie trailer was leaked online.  Originally, it was scheduled to be shown during next Tuesday’s showing of ABC’s Agents Of Shield.  The plan was to utilize the trailer to boost the show’s sagging ratings.  So what did the people at Marvel Studios do as a result?  Did they seek legal action?  Did they complain?  Did they shut everything down?

A leaked trailer of perhaps the most anticipated movie in history would require a significant amount of crisis management.  How the producers at Marvel Studios handled this situation should serve as a template for all leaders who have to address unexpected challenges.

For the answer to questions asked above and more, please read the following 8 Leadership Quotes And Lessons From Avengers: Age Of Ultron Trailer:

  1. Avoid Unnecessary Mistakes – As a leader you encourage people to make mistakes, just not unnecessary ones.  Unnecessary mistakes have harmful consequences.  The producers of Agents Of Shield are some of entertainment’s most disappointed people today because the reason to watch next week’s show no longer exists.
  2. Leaders Address Issues – Once the trailer leaked the movie’s producers did not contact their legal departments or attempt to squash it showings on the internet.  Instead, they engaged the issue.
  3. Leaders Evaluate Reality – Rather than fighting it, Marvel basically acknowledged it was out there.  There’s nothing they could do about it.  They then released the official version shortly thereafter.
  4. Leadership Comes With A Microphone – Regarding the trailer itself, while it is always important to lead by example, there are times the leader has to speak.  The leader has to cast vision and create a compelling reason to seize a preferred future.  James Spader’s as the voice of Ultron is a brilliant move which leads me to my next point.
  5.  Leaders Assign Skill To Task – Who should play Ultron?  Spader was the right person.
  6. Leaders Create Memorable Moments – Ultron already has two catch-phrases which people will long remember – “You want to protect the world but you don’t want it to change” and “There are no stings on me.”
  7. Do A Little Extra – The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is just a little extra.  People do not pay for things which are ordinary but they will line up for the extraordinary.   I am planning on standing in a line for this movie on May 1st.
  8. Leaders Know The Power Of Humor – Marvel could have made the leaking of the trailer a nasty issue.  But rather, they saw it as an opportunity and seized control of the entire situation with the following hilarious tweet:


Marvel Studios has provided for leaders a template on how to handle crisis management.  Next time something unexpected happens in your church or organization, remember Marvel’s approach.

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.