4 Questions Christian Leaders Must Answer About Money

Because of Christmas and year-end giving, December is one of the most generous times of the year for Christians.  However, for many it is also a time of great financial stress.  It is my desire for you to have the most joy-filled Christmas as possible and winning with your finances God’s way is a significant part of this.

Recently, I have had numerous conversations about the subject of year-end giving.  This prompted me to revisit some old sermon notes from my pastor Dr. Crawford Loritts.  To reveal the current condition of your heart, Dr. Loritts identified 4 Questions Every Christian Must Ask And Answer About Money And Generosity:

  1. Has money become too big a deal to you?
  2. Where is your money going?
  3. Is your heart divided?
  4. Is God enough?

The following are 17 truths about money and possessions he then gave to assist in answering these important questions.  These truths, if applied, will assist you in becoming the generous Christian God has called you to be:

  1. The Bible knows nothing of a private Christianity.
  2. Money is not neutral.
  3. A right attitude toward money is a mark of mature spirituality.  If you’re not giving don’t tell me how spiritual you are.
  4. Generosity is not determined by how much we have.  Generosity is determined by our gratitude.
  5. Don’t be selfish and short-sided in the use of the resources God has given to us.  Noticed I said, “given to us”, not earned.
  6. Decide which direction you send your money.  If my passion is tied up in that which is transient, it’s going to go somewhere.  Use all you have for the glory of God.
  7. Money leads your heart.  Use resources to direct your heart.
  8. It is not wrong to possess things.  It is wrong for things to possess us.
  9. How you use money reveals and determines the condition of your heart.
  10. Don’t hunger for what is not yours.
  11. Keep your heart and mind pure concerning money and possessions.
  12. Don’t judge other people.
  13. Don’t let money stand between you and God.
  14. Make the decision to make right decisions about money.  Money is not passive.
  15. Make your money worship God.  Tell it where to go.
  16. If money is our objective, we will pay a great price for that money.
  17. The most materialistic people are the ones struggling to get it.

What is one thing you learned from these lessons which you can apply today?

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.