7 Decisions All Christians Make Whether They Like It Or Not

As pastors and church leaders. we want the absolute best for those in our churches.  We want them to have everything God wants for their lives.  As Christian leaders, our desire for those in our churches is for them to become vibrant disciples of Jesus.

There is much being taught and said currently about the subject of making and becoming disciples.  Below are 20 statements from Fellowship Bible Church Senior Pastor Crawford Loritts’s January 4th sermon on discipleship.  These are so important I wanted to make them available to each of you.  You can hear the full sermon by clicking here.

In addition to the statements below, Dr. Loritts concludes his message with 7 Decisions All Christian Leaders Make Whether They Like It Or Not.

  1. What we desire is more expensive than we are willing to pay.
  2. Change is very expensive.  It requires a Plan, Commitment, Daily Discipline and Focus.
  3. Discipleship is not the pay-off.  Discipleship is the process.
  4. Discipleship is the treadmill, the lifting of weights, the running, the sweat and the pain.
  5. No one follows Christ by drifting into it.
  6. Discipleship requires you to relinquish control.
  7. The life of Jesus is my autobiography.
  8. Self-denial is necessary to live a life of purpose and meaning.
  9. If we only did what we wanted to do we would not be able to do what we were born to do.
  10. Every desire not sanctioned by God leads to self-destruction.  We must take up His cross.
  11. Discipleship is personalized.  My cross is not your cross.
  12. Disciples are people who focus, embrace and cherish all the pain our Savior endured.
  13. We are confident because of Who we are following.  We are uncertain because we do not know where He is taking us.  Discipleship is always in the dependent posture.
  14. We made a decision to follow.  We are always making decisions to follow.  Discipleship is always fragile because we are always involved.
  15. God loves us to much to be successful.
  16. We were all born to not be forgotten.  But the only people who remember you will be those who have a vivid memory of you.
  17. If you want to live a life that matters, then you need to live a life about things that matter.
  18. Jesus is coming back.  We will be judged.
  19. God will not let any of His children suffer in vain.  Glory in Heaven is the pay-off for discipleship.
  20. Some texts in Scripture do not allow neutrality.  You don’t grow yourself into fruitfulness.

Finally, as a leader there are 7 Decisions You Will Make Whether You Like It Or Not.  You will either:

  1. Deny Yourself or Live For Yourself
  2. Take Up Your Cross or Ignore The Cross
  3. Follow Christ or Follow The World
  4. Lose Your Life For Your Sake or Save Your Life For Your Own Sake
  5. Forsake The World or Gain The World
  6. Keep Your Soul or Lose Your Soul
  7. Share His Reward In Glory or Lose Your Reward In Glory

Some texts in Scripture do not allow neutrality.  Leaders will make these Critical Decisions, and only then experience Intentional Growth.

Are you willing to do what is necessary to become a disciple of Jesus Christ?

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.