23 Leadership Quotes And Lessons From Johnny Hunt On Unforgiveness #JHMC2015 Session 3

This weekend I attended the Johnny Hunt Mens Conference at First Baptist Church Woodstock (GA).  Dr. Johnny Hunt is one of America’s great pastors and this conference dealt with the sin of forgiveness.  

Pastor Hunt closed the conference with more challenging insights on a topic that is destroying countless lives.  It has been an incredible time of personal refreshment and I cannot wait to attend next year.

Also, if you are a pastor or church leader, please make sure you take advantage of a special FREE resource from INJOY Stewardship Solutions which will make you a better preacher.

  1. If you listen to your people they’ll tell you what’s important.
  2. Forgiveness is just such a big deal.
  3. Some say you forgive and forget. Not true. You can’t forget but you walk forward in forgiveness.
  4. You can be genuinely forgiven by God and other people but still suffer the consequences from a particular sin in your life.
  5. God gives enabling grace to go on.
  6. If you are godly it has been because you have been made godly.
  7. Human speculation is no match for divine revelation.
  8. It is estimated over 80% of all illnesses today are spiritual in nature.
  9. The Christian life is anything but boring.
  10. Sin is too big to be handled alone.
  11. You cannot control sin. Sin will control you. Do not try to manage sin. The best thing there is to do when there is temptation is run.
  12. You can fall in the area of your strength as easily as you could fall in the area of your weakness.
  13. There is no record in the Bible of a weak man falling.
  14. Where do you think you would be now if Jesus would not have saved you when He did.
  15. What seems over your head is always under His feet.
  16. The godly are not exempt from trouble but are preserved in it.
  17. Satan will try to use our troubles to worry and weaken us. But God uses them to strengthen us.
  18. Any moment you’re willing to give up your fig leaves which you think are covering you, God will give you His righteousness which will really cover you.
  19. God’s kiss of forgiveness sucks the poison out of the wound. – Alexander McClerran
  20. If you choose to be obedient to God, God meets you with divine enablement.
  21. The enemy can steal your song.
  22. Unconfessed sin is a terrible, heavy burden to carry. God loves us too much to have unconfessed sin.
  23. If God did not care for you, there would never be a sense of a need to respond.

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As a gift to all pastors and church leaders reading this post, INJOY Stewardship Solutions is pleased to offer your the FREE copy of our latest Ebook Nothing Grows A Church Faster.  This resource contains a complete done-for-you sermon series with outlines on stewardship and generosity.  This information will relieve stress and make you a better preacher.  Click HERE or on the image to the left to download this information.  Enjoy!

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.