15 Keys To Growing A Small Or Mid-Sized Church

I have never met a pastor or church leader who did not say they wanted their church to grow.  On the other hand, I have met hundreds of pastors and church leaders whose actions indicated they were not willing to implement the changes needed to grow.  With the large majority of churches in America plateaued or declining, are there keys to churches who consistently grow?

In the March 2014 edition of Inc. magazine, economist Gary Kunkle studied 100,000 United States businesses. He was looking for two criteria.  First, it must be a small or mid-sized businesses (85 to 999 employees).  Second, the business must have shown annual growth from 2007 to 2012.  Only 1.5% met the parameters.  

I immediately felt these growing businesses would be an excellent case study for growing small or mid-sized churches (85 to 999 average weekly attenders).  As I reviewed Kunkle’s data, the similarities were striking!  This list is in addition to the Holy Spirit of course.

  1. 60% of Growing Small or Mid-Sized Businesses are entrepreneurial.  Small or mid-sized churches who grow are often very entrepreneurial and constantly trying new things.
  2. 64% of Growing Small or Mid-Sized Businesses say they are somewhat or very different than they were five years ago.  Perry Noble, Senior Pastor of NewSpring Church – the fastest growing church in America, says, “You don’t really know what you value until you’re five years in as a church.”
  3. 67% of Growing Small or Mid-Sized Businesses have a different profile of their customer than five years ago.  Small or mid-sized churches who grow are often becoming younger and more diverse.
  4. 86% of Growing Small or Mid-Sized Businesses think they will continue to grow over the next five years.  Small or mid-sized churches who grow are focused on the Great Commission.  For 17 signs of fast growing churches, click HERE.
  5. 67% of Growing Small or Mid-Sized Businesses say customer service is their top strength.  Small or mid-sized churches who grow serve people well.  Served people often then become saved people.
  6. 90% of Growing Small or Mid-Sized Businesses create annual targets for growth.  What gets measured gets done.
  7. 62% of Growing Small or Mid-Sized Businesses say the economy has little to no bearing on their growth strategies.  Small or mid-sized churches who grow are so consumed with God’s mission and vision for their church they will do whatever is necessary to see it become reality.
  8. 46% of Growing Small or Mid-Sized Businesses indicated a significant portion of their sales comes from international markets.  Small or mid-sized churches who grow often have a global focus.
  9. 90% of Growing Small or Mid-Sized Businesses get their best ideas from staff.  Small or mid-sized churches who grow are often staff led.
  10. 95% of Growing Small or Mid-Sized Businesses say branding was important or even vital.  Small or mid-sized churches who grow are able to effectively communicate who they are and why they exist in a clear, crisp and compelling fashion.
  11. 61% of Growing Small or Mid-Sized Businesses said the loss of a key leader was their top concern for being able to maintain growth.  John Maxwell famously said, “Everything rises and falls on leadership.”  Also, pay your pastor and staff well.  Don’t be cheap!
  12. 56% of Growing Small or Mid-Sized Businesses said developing future leaders was their second-highest concern for maintaining growth.  Small or mid-sized churches who have a sustainable future are “green and growing”.
  13. 53% of Growing Small or Mid-Sized Businesses said the timing for expansion was a major concern.  Small or mid-sized churches who grow will simply need more buildings/facilities to effectively facilitate their continued growth.  If you wish to discuss the timing for funding your needed expansion, contact me at briand@injoystewardship.com.  I would be honored to help you in anyway I can.
  14. There was an interesting balance between execution and innovation.  52% of Growing Small or Mid-Sized Businesses said exceptional implementation (systems) was the key to their success.  45% said it was innovation.  The truth is both are needed.  There is simply no creativity unless you also have creation.  If you need assistance with the implementation of quality systems in your church, contact The Rocket Company or Church Fuel.  Both are incredible organizations.
  15. The following percentage of Growing Small or Mid-Sized Businesses said these values were vital to their success – Transparency (86%) which builds trust, Diversity (81%) and Engaging Your Community (65%).  Small or mid-sized churches who grow build trust, are diverse, and serve their community.  Your church will not grow without these three.

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.