11 Practices Of Highly Effective Youth Pastors

I have been friends with Paul Bickford for over two decades.  Paul heads up all student ministries for my home church Fellowship Bible Church in Roswell, GA.  He is a great leader and dear friend.  Nowhere were Paul and our youth ministry’s skills on greater display than today.

For the second consecutive year, our student ministries team put on our churchwide Easter sunrise service.  It was an amazing event in terms of planning, logistics, execution and spiritual impact.  As I reflected back on what made this morning’s service so successful, I gleaned 11 Practices Of Highly Effective Youth Pastors:

  1. Highly Effective Youth Pastors Build Great Teams – When I mentioned to Paul how well everything was going, he said, “I’ve got a great team.”  Our student ministry team consists of Senior High Pastor Brandon Howland, Community Director Kathy Burle, Program Director Josh Cook, Amy Rasmussen and Nancy Andretta.  They do an amazing job.
  2. Highly Effective Youth Pastors Arrive Early – My daughter was one of the worship leaders.  She and 50+ fellow youth volunteers arrived at 5:00 AM for the 6:30 AM service.
  3. Highly Effective Youth Pastors Build Relationships With Key Church Leaders – As an elder at Fellowship, one of the things I use my position and influence for is serving the church staff.  Paul and I have worked together on a number of items which hopefully made his assignment much easier.
  4. Highly Effective Youth Pastors Build Volunteer Armies – As previously mentioned, over 50 young people showed up at 5:00 AM to serve our Lord and church well.  It takes great leadership to have 50+ youth arrive that early in the morning.
  5. Highly Effective Youth Pastors Understand The Importance Of Preparation – Because of their self-sufficiency, Josh mentioned how little work he had to do with the worship leaders this morning.  This was because he has spent so much time with them previously.  As John Wooden once said, “When opportunity presents itself, it’s too late to prepare.”  Josh had prepared them well.
  6. Highly Effective Youth Pastors Teach The Bible – The Word of God is the only thing which brings about sustainable positive human life change.
  7. Highly Effective Youth Pastors Are Great Communicators – Paul delivered an incredible message on the resurrection of Jesus and the meaning it has in our lives.
  8. Highly Effective Youth Pastors Are Easily Related To – As part of his message Paul shared some humorous mistakes he made in his life as a teenager.  This immediately connected him with the audience.
  9. Highly Effective Youth Pastors Put On Great Events – Whether it is summer camps, weekend activities, or mission trips, putting on events are part of every youth pastor’s job description.  Today’s sunrise service was an incredible event put on by our team.
  10. Highly Effective Youth Pastors See The Best In Their Students – One of the great lessons Paul has taught me as a parent is it is more important what young people are becoming rather than what they currently are.
  11. Highly Effective Youth Pastors Need Refreshment Too – Like all staff, Paul has poured life out to those of us at Fellowship.  With spring break upon us, Paul now begins a well-earned vacation where he can now refreshed.  Enjoy your time with your family my friend.

What other practices do you see highly effective youth pastors do?

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.