8 Practices Of People Christian Leaders Want To Work With


I am part of a small community of individuals who has been called to work with pastors and church leaders for a living.  This community is made up of bankers, architects, builders, A/V and furnishings, capital campaign companies, publications, church growth consultants, content providers and several others.  If you last in this industry long enough, you will get to know many of these people.

It has been my experience the large majority of people who work with churches are of high character and deeply love Jesus and His church.  One of the best is Randy Ongie, the Vice President of Operations for MAG Bookkeeping.

I was thinking a lot about Randy today and began jotting down some ideas about why he is such a joy to work with.  These ideas caused me to go through a process of self-evaluation to see if I had similar qualities.

Leadership is a picture of the desired destination at which others should wish to arrive.  If God has called you to work with churches, this list provides a good profile of the type of individual you should aspire to become.

The following are 8 Practices Of People Christian Leaders Want To Work With:

  1. The Type Of Person Christian Leaders Want To Work With Is Encouraging – Working with churches has a unique set of challenges.  Every time I am with Randy he encourages me and reminds of the importance of what we do.
  2. The Type Of Person Christian Leaders Want To Work With Is Competent – Because of his experience as an executive pastor and with Cogun Builders, Randy has a wealth of knowledge of how churches operate.
  3. The Type Of Person Christian Leaders Want To Work With Is Generous – Some people who work with churches hold onto ideas feeling it is their intellectual capital.  News flash – all truth comes from God.  I’m just saying.  Randy is very generous with his learnings, experience, tools and resources.
  4. The Type Of Person Christian Leaders Want To Work With Increase Your Influence – On several occasions Randy has allowed me to invest in his employees.  Nothing compliments leaders more than when they have the opportunity to lead other leaders.
  5. The Type Of Person Christian Leaders Want To Work With Are Not Novices – Rarely will I recommend a person or organization who views the church as “a market”.  The reason is these people do not last.  If someone has served churches for over a decade, I have confidence in their heart for ministry.
  6. The Type Of Person Christian Leaders Want To Work With Knows Church Trends – Spending time with Randy always makes me better.  He has a deep understanding of current trends in the Christian community.
  7. The Type Of Person Christian Leaders Want To Work With Love The Local Church – The majority of my conversations with Randy center on our individual churches and our experiences in serving there.
  8. The Type Of Person Christian Leaders Want To Work With Serve Churches With Excellence – There is a difference in WANTING to serve churches with excellence and being ABLE to serve churches with excellence.  I have the utmost confidence when I recommend a pastor or church leader to Randy or the team at MAG Bookkeeping, they will receive the best service possible.  Whether MAG “makes a sale” or not, the pastor will be honored, treated with respect, and be better equipped to lead their church after the conversation.

If your church has bookkeeping needs or you wish to connect with Randy personally, click HERE.  I know he would be honored to serve you.  And he would do it very, very well.

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.