The Consequences Of A Mother’s Love And Commitment

First, let me say THANK YOU to all the mothers who read this site.  I hope you were blessed and honored by your families this Mothers Day.  Only Heaven can truly record your importance and the impact you have on your families.  Once again, THANK YOU.

As is our family Mothers Day custom, my wife and mother-in-law pick where we will go to church as a family.  Usually we select North Metro Church where my in-laws attend or our home church, Fellowship Bible Church.  However, this time they chose First Baptist Church Atlanta because they wanted to hear the legendary Dr. Charles Stanley.

Dr. Stanley delivered an incredible message on the mother of Moses and her protective love for him as a baby.  The following are 9 statements he made on The Consequences Of A Mother’s Commitment.  These thoughts should challenge and encourage every mother.

  1. Love – Moses’s mother loved him enough to give him away rather than see him die.
  2. Courage – She risked her own life to save his.
  3. Wisdom – She waited three months before letting him go.  She trusted God to keep her baby safe and hidden.
  4. Prayer – Dr. Stanley asked an insightful question, “How do you save a child?”  Moses’s mother asked God what to do.  He added, “I don’t know anything more powerful and long-lasting than a praying mother.”  When talking about his own mother, Dr. Stanley said, “I never forgot the sound of my mother praying for me.”
  5. Creative – Moses’s mother built him an ark for him to travel down the river.
  6. Patience – During the first three months of Moses’s life, his mother quietly kept him hidden until God showed her how He was going to protect him.
  7. Confidence – She knew placing Moses in an ark was not sending him to death but saving him from death.  He would survive this.  She gave a mother’s best for a short period of time.

For mothers who feel they are failing in these seven areas, Dr. Stanley offered a word of encouragement.  He said, “Loving Him.  Listening to Him.  Obeying Him.  This doesn’t cost a dime…Your greatest gift to your child is a spiritual gift.”

And he concluded with these sobering thoughts, “No parent is too busy to pray with their child.  You can’t give spiritual gifts you do not have.”

The consequences of this mother’s commitment to her son was he lived, grew up in Pharaoh’s palace, delivered an entire nation from slavery and bondage, received the 10 Commandments, and the Messiah would come from his lineage.

The question then begs, what will come from your commitment to your children?  I am confident it will be quite significant as well.

Mothers, I hope this post encourages you.  And for everyone else, if you have a mother who possesses these seven qualities, please forward this post to her.  I know she will be grateful.

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.