The Bible Verse All Business Leaders Should Pray When Not Meeting Their Goals

Christian business leaders should have a competitive advantage because they attend your church.  Not just because of business connections but for the following reasons and more:

  • Because the Bible is truth, Christian business leaders should have the best grid for decision making.
  • Christians should understand most the power of vision and how to cast it.
  • Christians should be most equipped to see the incredible potential which exists in every human life, specifically those on their teams.
  • Christians should have the best conflict resolution skills.
  • Christians have been modeled how to build an enduring organization.
  • Etc, etc, etc…

Part of my responsibilities at INJOY Stewardship Solutions is identifying churches who need assistance with their upcoming capital campaigns.  Because of some additional responsibilities I have been involved with lately I was significantly behind on my June monthly goal.  In addition to hard work and focus, I needed God’s intervention and help more than ever.

It was time to pray my favorite prayer as a business and ministry leader – Romans 4:17.

“(God) who gives life to the dead and calls into existence the things that do not exist.” – ESV

It is true.  Jesus brings dead things to life.  Jesus brings things into being that are not.

I needed a dead pipeline to come to life.  It was a reminder Christian business leaders are never out of options.  They are never without resources.

In my office I began each workday as I always do – on my knees.  I began telling God (like He didn’t know already) what my current numbers were and what was needed.  I acknowledged the gap.

For all Christian business leaders there is always a gap – a gap between what we can do and what is needed.  The difference can only be filled by Jesus Himself.

I prayed, “God, I need your help.  Do what only you can do.  Make things seen that are unseen and bring things into being that are not.”

So what were the results?  In a single day, I achieved half of my monthly goal!!!  God did what only He could do.

Now Jesus is never our errand boy.  He is not a buffet table where we just pick and choose what we want or need.  God is more interested in our TRANSFORMATION than He is our TRANSACTIONS.

Therefore,  there are times when something happens and you are left with the words, “Only God”.  Today was one of those days.  I think God takes great joy in seeing our amazement at watching Him work.

If you are a Christian business leader who is not meeting your goals and objectives, I want you to know you are not without hope or resources.  And your greatest resource is prayer.

So pray Romans 4:17 and watch God work.  Just be sure to give him all the praise and glory afterwards for the results.  It had little to do with you.  It was Jesus working in the gap.

What gap are you facing today?

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.