
In an effort to add value to pastors and church leaders, INJOY Stewardship Solutions has dispatched me to attend the That Church Conference.  Today, I will be bringing the top leadership lessons from some of the greatest social media minds in Christianity.

As a special gift to everyone reading these posts, INJOY Stewardship is offering a complimentary download of my recent webinar How To Raise More Money In 2016 Than You Ever Thought Possible.  Click Here to Download this Free Resource! 

Next up was Carrie Kintz, former social media director of Focus On The Family.

The following are 47 Leadership Quotes from Carrie Kintz from the That Church Conference:

  1. If you haven’t been to a super hero movie in a theater, you should.
  2. Whatever else anything is, it ought to begin by being personal.
  3. The digital world we live in is personal.
  4. We often say things but don’t want to take responsibility for them.
  5. What churches say online is what we believe and the type of culture we are creating.
  6. What you have to learn is fit your content in the context of people where they are.
  7. Figure out who we are, who you want to be, and who you’re not. And who you’re not is just as important.
  8. We’re not social commentators. We have conversations.
  9. We have this perception that only famous people can make a difference.
  10. It is ordinary people who can live life well that can make a difference.
  11. Simplicity is often the best. Cut out the extraneous.
  12. Consider the humility of the person of Jesus.
  13. The Gospel is an intentionally personal thing.
  14. There are things God calls us to do that bucks every church program.
  15. God calls us to speak with kindness.
  16. God calls us to walk with wisdom concerning the outsider.
  17. Speak the truth in love.
  18. People from the Body are watching how Christians are talking to one another online.
  19. What is our theology of communication?
  20. We are called to walk in humility. We are called to be humble.
  21. Reaction and Proaction. We live in a very reactive culture.
  22. You don’t always have to comment on what is happening.
  23. Listening well means doing your research.
  24. Make sure you understand the amount of time it takes to communicate well diligently. Because it takes time.
  25. Facebook is not the answer to your problems.
  26. If you’re not growing, going on Facebook is not going to help you.
  27. If someone says, “We have this great children’s ministry and need a Facebook page.” No you don’t.
  28. Strategy are not tactics.
  29. Strategy is casting a vision. Tactics support that vision. Strategy is the roof. Tactics are the wall.
  30. Don’t take things the culture is doing and make them Christian. We have the Holy Spirit within us…Why are we not listening to Him to create and communicate the Gospel.
  31. Paul and Peter were burdened with glorious purpose.
  32. It is not stealing someone else’s stuff and slapping a fish on it.
  33. When you read the stories your readers are telling you about you, you are able to handle it when it comes.
  34. Data is a story. And it’s a story we have to be humble enough to read.
  35. Test, test, test, test, test. Putting something up for two days is not a test.
  36. At Focus On The Family we did two-week testing periods.
  37. Change what didn’t work.
  38. In writing you must kill your darlings.
  39. Let’s kill bad practices.
  40. We don’t have to respond to everyone.
  41. We are all stories in the end.
  42. What story is your church writing for the Kingdom of God?
  43. We are the story. We are the letter of the Lord to this world.
  44. As the church, we have to show people we are not afraid of their stories.
  45. Jesus isn’t afraid of our stories.
  46. We need to be present in a world looking for hope.
  47. The world needs to see someone who can fail and get back up.

I cannot wait for the next session.  And if you have not done so already, don’t forget to click the image below for a free download of my recent webinar How To Raise More Money In 2016 Than You Ever Thought Possible.

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