The Top 16 Books Christian Leaders Should Be Reading In 2016

There are few things Christian leaders appreciate more than quality tools and resources, specifically books.  With the Christmas shopping season soon to begin, I wanted to provide you a quality list of books which would make wonderful gifts for the pastor or Christian leader in your life.

The following are The Top 16 Books Christian Leaders Should Be Reading In 2016 listed in alphabetical order by author:

  1. Teams That Thrive: Five Disciplines Of Collaborative Church Leadership by Warren Bird and Ryan Hartwig.  Anything with Warren’s name on it is a must-read.
  2. Awakening by Matt Brown.  Are you wanting your relationship with Jesus to go to a deeper level?  This book is for you.
  3. One Nation: What We Can All Do To Save America’s Future by Dr. Ben Carson.  Allow me to quote The Blaze, “In light of the economic stagnation, swelling debt, out-of-control bureaucracy, and moral decline facing America today, Dr. Ben Carson’s One Nation is about the most optimistic book you will find at your local bookstore. Brimming with confidence about America’s ability to come to a consensus on such issues as debt, welfare, and gay marriage, Carson provides a hopeful look at the problems plaguing society today, along with a set of solutions.”
  4. Clout: Discover And Unleash Your God-Given Influence by Jenni Catron.  Jenni is one of the greatest strategic thinkers in Christian leadership today.
  5. Leadership Pain: The Classroom For Growth by Dr. Samuel Chand.  This book is changing the way people are seeing how God uses pain, disappointment and brokenness.
  6. You Win In The Locker Room First: The 7 Cs To Build A Winning Team In Business, Sports And Life by Jon Gordon and Mike Smith.  In addition to sharing what went right with the Atlanta Falcons, former Head Coach Smith also transparently shares what went wrong his last two seasons and provides invaluable lessons leaders can take away from his victories, success, failures and mistakes.
  7. The High-Definition Leader: Building Multiethnic Churches In A Multiethnic World by the incomparable Derwin Gray.  I feel this will become the preeminent work for this generation on creating a multi-ethnic and multi-generational church.
  8. H3 Leadership by Brad Lomenick.  Brad sensed God asking him to step away from his highly visible position of Catalyst, America’s largest movement of next generation Christian leaders, and take a sabbatical.  This book is the account of what God showed him the following year.
  9. Right Color Wrong Culture by Bryan Loritts.  As important a book for dealing with multi-cultural ministry as you can read.
  10. Unshaken: Real Faith In Our Faithful God by Dr. Crawford Loritts.  Pastor Loritts challenges us to live fully for Christ, confident in God and His unshakable promises.  God does not waver and God who does not lie
  11. Wounded By God’s People by Anne Graham Lotz.  Some titles need no explanation to pastors and church leaders.
  12. Audacious by Beth Moore.  Releasing on November 1st and available for pre-order, this book is a deep dive into the message that has compelled Beth to serve women around the globe. Glancing over the years of ministry behind her and strengthening her resolve to the call before her, she came to the realization that her vision for women was incomplete. It lacked something they were aching for.  This book provides real solutions to those needs.
  13. Lasting Impact: 7 Powerful Conversations That Will Help Your Church Grow by Carey Nieuwhof.  Few people are as insightful and knowledgeable about church growth as Carey.  This book will help you identify and break through the barriers preventing your church from going to the next level.
  14. The Legacy Journey: A Radical View Of Biblical Wealth And Generosity by Dave Ramsey
  15. Making Vision Stick by Andy Stanley.  In my opinion, Andy is the greatest communicator of this generation.  This book will give you the tools to communicate vision in a more compelling fashion than you ever have before.  You will learn from the very best himself.
  16. The Hardest Peace: Expecting Grace In The Midst Of Life’s Hard by Kara Tippetts.  This winner of the 2015 Most Inspirational Christian Book Award tells us of the the ordinary days of mothering four kids, the joy of watching her children grow … and the devestating reality of stage-four cancer.

Finally as a bonus, it may be slightly self-serving but my book 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader is a must for leaders wishing to accomplish the vision God has placed in your heart.  Perfect for developing your church’s or business leaders in small group or one-on-one environments.  Electronic copies can be purchased by clicking HERE.  Hard-cover and study guides can be ordered by clicking HERE.

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.