17 Leadership Quotes And Lessons From Bridge Of Spies

One review of the new Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks film stated, “Bridge of Spies may be a snooze to the ADD crowd allergic to historical drama.”  If this is the case, then a clinical diagnosis is not necessary.  I have ADD.

In this Cold War spy thriller, lawyer James Donovan, played by Hanks, must first defend and then conduct a prisoner sway with Russian spy Rudolf Abel, played by Mark Rylance.  Hanks is simply the greatest actor of this generation and Rylance is spectacular as well.

However, Hanks and Rylance cannot save this technically sound but plodding film.  Also, I was not pleased with the movie’s constant GDs, SOBs and two F-bombs. Completely unnecessary.

If you are going to the theater this weekend, I recommend you see Woodlawn instead.  For my review of this inspirational story of racial reconciliation, click 29 Leadership Quotes And Lessons From Woodlawn The Movie.

The following are 17 Leadership Quotes And Lessons From Bridge Of Spies:

  1. Great Leaders Make Everything Better – While I did not enjoy the movie, you literally cannot take your eyes of the screen while the incomparable Hanks is performing his craft.
  2. Timing Matters – Keep your expectations low when watching September and October movies.  The movies are not quite good enough to be a summer release and also not quite good enough to open during the holidays for Oscar contention.
  3. Smart Leaders Count The Cost – When asked as an American to represent a suspected Russian spy, Donovan says, “Everyone will hate me but at least I’ll lose.”
  4. Smart Leaders Remain Calm During Crisis – While preparing for their trial, Donovan said to Abel, “You don’t seem alarmed?” To which he responds, “Would it help?”
  5. Smart Leaders Gather Information Before Making Decisions – While selecting a group of spy plane pilots, a CIA representative tells the new recruits, “This war is about information.  You will be gathering information.”
  6. Great Leaders Know How To Maintain Unity – Donovan says, “What makes us Americans?  One thing – the Constitution.”
  7. Great Leaders Understand How To Use Authority And Also How To Yield To It – Abel says, “The boss isn’t always right.  But he’s always the boss.”
  8. Smart Leaders Look Ahead And Gather Options – After Abel’s conviction, Donovan convinces the judge to place him in federal prison rather than sentence him to the death penalty.  Donovan foresaw a time when Russia would have an American spy and thus, a prisoner exchange would be needed.
  9. Lasting Leaders Maintain Perspective – Similar to point #4, heading into sentencing, Donovan asked Abel, “Do you ever worry?”  To which he responds, “Would it help?”
  10. Leaders Must Be Willing To Pay A Higher Price – Abel said, “I’m not afraid to die.  Although it would not be my first choice.”
  11. Great Leaders Are Resilient – Abel refers to Donovan as “the standing man” who continually keeps getting up after being knocked down.
  12. Leaders Hope For The Best But Plan For The Worst – During their CIA training, the spy plane pilots (known as drivers) were told, “Drivers, spend the dollar.”  The dollar was a needle which when injected caused immediate death.
  13. Your Family Pays A Leadership Price As Well – Donovan’s family paid a heavy price for him to defend the rights of a suspected spy.
  14. Great Leaders Have Great Dignity – Donovan says in an address to the Supreme Court, “The coward must abandon his dignity before he abandons the field of battle.”
  15. Leaders Must Often Make Final Decisions With Limited Information – Abel asks Donovan, “What’s the next move when you don’t know what the game is?”
  16. Smart Leaders Have Proper Expectations – Abel concludes, “Sometimes people are people.  They are wrong.”
  17. Freedom Is Never Free – Spielberg paints a poignant picture of contrast between people getting killed jumping a fence in Germany vs. people joyfully jumping a backyard fence in Brooklyn as they played together.  It is a stark reminder of the price so many have paid for us to enjoy the freedoms we have in America.

Once again, Tom Hanks and Mark Rylance are spectacular but I would wait for the digital version to become available.  Let me know your thoughts.

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.