6 Keys To Leading Grown Men And Women


Much has been written on leading millennials.  You can read some of my articles by clicking HERE, HERE and HERE.  However, what is the best way to lead non-millennials, grown men and women, 49-year-old grizzled, experienced professionals like me and many of you?

I just finished Gary Myers’ insightful new book, (Tom) Brady Vs. (Peyton) Manning: The Untold Story Of The Rivalry That Transformed The NFL.  Click the link or image to order.  It is a fascinating look at the relationship between the two greatest players and leaders of this generation.

One chapter is dedicated to Brady’s head coach Bill Belichick.  These are Brady’s comments about the Patriots legendary coach:

“He’s a no-nonsense coach.  I think why he’s been able to endure is because he has the respect of all the older players, because you believe that what he’s telling you and teaching you is the right way to do it. How he prepares our team every week is phenomenal.  He’s always got his foot on the gas pedal.”

From Brady’s comments I glean 6 Keys To Leading Grown Men And Women:

  1. Grown Men And Women Want Results – “He’s a no-nonsense coach.”  In other words, the coach and veterans are there to get the job done.
  2. Grown Men And Women Want Respect – These are some phrases grown men and women know all too well.  Tragedy – buried loved ones.  Standing over graves.  Countless hard decisions.  Sleepless nights.  Declining health.  Emergency rooms.  Perseverance.  Parenting challenges.  Sacrifice.  Responsibility.  Praying for miracles.  Financial pressures.  Worry.  Stress.  Disappointment.  This is why you respect your elders.  They have lived for decades through this.  Belichick “has the respect of all the older players.”  I would imagine one of the many reasons is because of the respect the coach has also shown them.
  3. Grown Men And Women Want Competent Leadership – Brady said, “you believe that what he’s telling you…is the right way to do it.”  Experienced leaders know competent leadership when they see it.
  4. Grown Men And Women Still Want To Learn From Great Leaders – We are not retired yet.  There are still things we want to accomplish.  We love personal growth.  Brady added, “you believe that what he’s…teaching you is the right way to do it.”
  5. Grown Men And Women Want To Be Positioned For Success – Experienced leaders do not like to waste time and do not want to be embarrassed either.  Show up on time (early is better) and be ready to go.  Brady says, “How he prepares our team every week is phenomenal.”
  6. Grown Men And Women Respond Best To Passionate Leaders – Do you own the results?  That is passion.  Brady concludes, “He’s always got his foot on the gas pedal.”

Experienced leaders have much to offer.  Lead them well.


No one provides better coaching for preachers than Jeff Henderson and Preaching Rocket.  Click HERE or on the image to the left to sign up for this amazing event with Perry Noble.


Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.