10 Ways A Leader Knows It Is Over

Leadership is temporary.  Our responsibility is to steward it well while we have it.  The fact our leadership responsibilities will one day conclude is a sobering reality that is in the back of all our minds.

This is why my heart goes out to the incredible Denver Broncos quarterback Peyton Manning.  Manning is arguably one of the top five quarterbacks to ever play professional football.  He is the most mentally prepared athlete I have ever seen.  But it appears the end of his career has arrived.

Since all leaders will be there one day as well, are there signs when our leadership tenure is coming to a close?  The answer is “Yes”.

The following are 10 Ways A Leader Knows It Is Over I gleaned from Jarrett Bell’s November 17th USA Today article:

  1. Setbacks are continually piling up.
  2. Your performance is sub-par.
  3. You can no longer perform at the level you once did.
  4. Multiple areas you are responsible for are suffering.
  5. You are starting to miss extended amounts of time.
  6. You are searching for answers but cannot find any.
  7. You are the last to see your poor performance though it is obvious to everyone else.
  8. You need a reality check.
  9. Others have lost confidence in you.  Kansas City Chiefs safety Ron Parker said of Manning’s four interceptions, “He’s getting old…He tried hard.”
  10. The organization is moving on without you.  Backup quarterback Brock Osweiler was pegged to start this week’s game and told USA Today’s Lindsay Jones, “I gained a lot of confidence (against Kansas City) last night and I gained a lot of confidence in my teammates.  To be out there with those guys on that field and gain those reps, gain that experience and build that camaraderie with those guys was huge.”

Peyton Manning, a five-time league MVP and future 1st ballot Hall of Famer, deserves nothing but respect and admiration.  I wish he could go out on his own terms.  But just like with Brett Favre and Joe Montana before him, it just does not appear that is going to happen.

I hope when my leadership tenure is over, I get to go out on my own terms.  If so, I would be the exception rather than the rule.

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.