18 Reasons Christians Are Filling Out Fewer Pledge Cards

At INJOY Stewardship Solutions, we have just seen an amazing season of generosity and capital campaigns take place.  God is doing an incredible work in the hearts of people and is raising up across the country an army of generous stewards.  In addition to dozens of visions being fully-funded, God is blessing countless individuals as they develop a lifestyle of generosity.

One interesting trend we are seeing is pledged giving is decreasing on a percentage basis while non-pledged giving is growing at an exponential rate.  More and more people are choosing to forego filling out a traditional pledge card but still participating in acts of generosity.

The reasons why are complex and need a closer look.  The following are 18 Reasons Christians Are Filling Out Fewer Pledge Cards during capital campaigns or generosity efforts:

  1. Leaders Are Not Giving – So goes the leaders, so goes the people.  Though some people may be in a leadership position, they are not willing to sacrifice for its future.
  2. Financial Leaders Remember 2008 – The market crash left a lasting memory causing financial leaders to be extremely cautious.
  3. People Do Not Know How Long They Will Be At The Church – So why make a long-term commitment?
  4. Poor Economy and Unstable Job Market – The tenuous nature of many people’s jobs makes them unwilling to pledge.
  5. People Are Broke – Smart leaders should no longer say, “Well if everyone gave we wouldn’t need a capital campaign.”  It is not that they do not want to give.  They can’t!!!  Churches must first step in and help provide their struggling families the  tools and training needed for financial stability.  For this, I recommend the organization I Was Broke. Now I’m Not.
  6. People Do Not Like The Pastor – Therefore, they do not financially support his or her vision.
  7. The Church’s Vision Is Unclear – It simply does not make sense.  People will not sacrifice when they do not have a clear picture of where the church is going.
  8. The Church’s Vision Is Not Compelling – In this instance, the people know where the church is going.  They are just not inspired by its direction.
  9. Another Organization’s Vision Is More Compelling – The local animal shelter, your child’s school, your alma mater, Franklin Graham, a missionary, or a relief organization has a more compelling vision than your church does.  Thus the dollars flow there.
  10. The Project Is Unclear – Your people do not know exactly what they are giving to.  For example, do you want them to give to debt or a new building?  Make sure you are crystal clear.
  11. They Do Not Trust The Leadership – Your pastor and/or leadership team has had too many missteps or unfulfilled expectations.  People say, “I’m done.  They’ll never get it right.”
  12. Leadership Dysfunction – People sense and know when your leadership is not aligned or attuned.
  13. Previous Broken Promises – Because of previous broken promises, your people will not believe it until they see it.  Only then will they invest in it.
  14. Lack Of Unity At Home – The husband and wife cannot agree on what to give.
  15. Some People Do Not Like The Word “Pledge” – Based upon your unique environment, use the word “commitment” or “intention” instead.
  16. The People Have Not Been Given Enough Time To Fill Out The Pledge Card – Prayer is the most important component to a successful commitment time.  Make sure you have given those in your church a long runway to wrestle with their amount in prayer.  Prayer also removes the pastor as a fundraiser and positions people to better connect with the heart of God.
  17. The People Were Not Properly Given The Opportunity To Fill Out The Pledge Card – The commitment time was poorly executed during the service.  This is a missed opportunity.
  18. Sin – Greed, selfishness, entitlement, materialism, unresolved conflict or negligence cause some people to simply refuse to respond to God’s call of generosity in their life.

Discuss this list with your finance committee or leadership team and see if there are any additional reasons your people are not filling out pledge cards.

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.