The Top 30 Christian Leaders You Need To Follow On Twitter In 2016 Part 1

On Thursday December 31st, I provided my annual listing of The Top 30 Blogs Christian Leaders Need To Read In 2016 as a resource for Christian leaders.  As how now become my annual custom, I am now posting my follow-up, The Top 30 Christian Leaders You Should Be Following On Twitter In 2016.

The challenge of this post is you could literally compose a list of 100+ individuals.  Therefore, I narrowed my criteria down to a list of 10 traits I looked for:

  • If mentioned in The Top 30 Blogs, you were excluded.  My desire is to expose you to as many great Christian leaders as possible.
  • If you only provide the “Quote of the Day” you were omitted.
  • Are you generous with information pointing me to other great blog posts, writers, or Christian leaders?
  • Do you challenge me and make me look at things in a new way?
  • Do you provide great tools and resources?
  • Do you break news?
  • Are you relevant?
  • Do you provide solutions?
  • Do you answer questions leaders are asking?
  • Do you relieve pressure for Christian leaders by making us laugh?

With that as my criteria, the following are The Top 30 Christian Leaders You Should Be Following On Twitter In 2016 listed in alphabetical order:

  1. @_PaulAlexander – As a consultant, Paul helps churches get unstuck and make vision real!  He is also the Executive Pastor at .
  2. @KayArthur – I have met many Christian leaders in my life.  There is no one I respect more that the Founder of Precept Ministries.  Kay is a gift to the Body of Christ.  I’ve never met anyone who loves God and His Word more.  She will be on this list indefinitely.
  3. @AussieDave – Dave Adamson is the Social Media Director for North Point Community Church.  Also, his photography and devotions are the best thing on Instagram.  Make sure you check it out!
  4. @dbonleadership – Dan Black is one of my favorite leadership bloggers and one of the kindest people you can follow.
  5. @ChristineCaine – As director of Equip and Empower Ministries, Christine is an avid believer in the hope-giving power of the local church and is passionate about the responsibility of the church to rise up and make a difference in the lives of hurting people around the world.  She and her husband Nick are the founders of The A21 Campaign, an anti-human trafficking organization with the ambition of abolishing slavery in the 21st century.
  6. @RealBenCarson, @TedCruz@MarcoRubio and Carly Fiorina – These four Presidential nominees for the Republican Party are examples of what quality Christian leadership looks like in, specifically in the political arena.
  7. @RobCizek – This Executive Pastor of Northshore Christian Church in the Seattle area is one of the best networkers and facilitators of Christian content.  Can’t wait to see him again at this year’s Orange Conference in Atlanta.
  8. @ClemsonFB – That’s right, Clemson football.  With the firing of Georgia Bulldog head coach Mark Richt, I am all in on Clemson head coach Dabo Swinney and quarterback @ShaunWatson4.  Their passion for Jesus Christ is inspiring.  To hear Coach Swinney share his faith, watch the video above.   I love when he says, “There is a 100% guaranteed warranty and His name is Jesus Christ.”
  9. @StephenCurry30 – I am a HUGE fan of the reigning NBA MVP and champion.  For more on Curry, click 16 Quotes On Faith And Leadership By Steph Curry.
  10. @TheDunagans – Chris Dunagan is the Social Media Director of NewSpring Church.  He understands his calling as a minister of the Gospel through digital platforms better than anyone I have met.
  11. @LouieGiglio and @ShelleyGiglio – A huge Thank You to both of you, along with @passion268, and @PassionCity, for continually pointing us to Jesus and the incredible work He is doing globally.  To read Louie’s thoughts from the Passion 2016 opening session, click 40 Leadership Quotes And Lessons From Louie Giglio – Passion 2016.
  12. @JonGordon11 – There is no better performance coach for business and athletic organizations than the author or The Energy Bus, The Carpenter and You Win In The Locker Room First.  For more wisdom from Jon, click 91 Lessons On Developing A Winning Culture At Your Church or Business.
  13. @DerwinLGray – The author of the book The High Definition Leader and incomparable pastor of Transformation Church is America’s leading voice on multi-ethnic, multi-generational ministry.  A dear friend and amazing leader!
  14. @JeffHenderson – Jeff is the Campus Pastor of the Gwinnett Campus of North Point Ministries and one of the Christianity’s great communicators.  Jeff also co-founded Preaching Rocket which helps pastors preach better sermons.  Make sure you sign up for his FREE January 14th online conference here or on the image below.
  15. @RevHoward18 – Meghan Howard is the Associate Pastor at Fairborn (OH) United Methodist Church and is one of the most competent leaders you will ever meet.  She is also becoming one of America’s leading experts on how churches can best leverage social media.
  16. @JohnnyMHunt – Pastor Johnny is the senior pastor of First Baptist Church Woodstock (GA) and former President of the Southern Baptist Convention.  There are few people I admire more than this wonderful Man of God.  For more from Pastor Johnny read 62 Leadership Quotes From Johnny Hunt On The Power Of Influence.
  17. @DavidKinnaman – Earlier I mentioned to be on this list you needed to break news and provide relevant content.  Does anyone do that better than the president of The Barna Group?
  18. @JosephLalonde – Joseph is currently serving on the leadership staff for E3 (formerly HYM, Haven Youth Ministry), the youth group of Oakcrest Church of God.  If you write good stuff, count on a RT!
  19. @MikeLinch – Mike is the amazing pastor of NorthStar Church.  If your church wants to know how to do effective community ministry, make sure you follow Mike.  To learn more from this great leader, click 18 Facts About How Church Debt Kills Church Vision.
  20. @BradLomenick – The former leader of Catalyst is now a highly-sought after consultant and leadership expert.  His book H3 Leadership is a must-have for all Christian leaders.
  21. @CrawfordLoritts –  No one packs more truth and content in 140 characters than the incredible senior pastor of Fellowship Bible Church in Roswell, GA.  You should also follow his son, the amazing Bryan Loritts at @BCLoritts .  For more from Pastor Crawford, click 53 Leadership Quotes From Crawford Loritts About The Courage Needed To Be A Godly Man.
  22. @ThomasMcDaniels – Senior Pastor of LifeBridge Christian Center in Longview, Texas is arguably the kindest Christian on the internet.  No one encourages me more.
  23. @MilesMcPherson – Miles is the incredible pastor of The Rock Church in San Diego.  He is also the President and founder of Miles Ahead, an outreach ministry focused on sharing the good news of Jesus Christ with teens and adults all over the world.
  24. @WondHerFul – Heather Polacios serves at Church By The Glades and is one of the most inspirational people on Twitter.  Boom!
  25. @IkeReighard – I love this man.  Trust me, no one knows more about church growth and community ministry than the delightful pastor of Piedmont Church in Marietta, GA.  Don’t believe me, click HERE.
  26. @PriscillaShirer – The Bible teacher and star of the incredible movie War Room needs little introduction.  Her posts both inspire and make me laugh.  I also love her Twitter description – she carries a sword.
  27. @AndyStanley – Andy needs no introduction.  He is simply one of America’s most influential pastors with over 60,000 per week in attendance through North Point Ministries’s network of churches.  IMO, he is also the greatest communicator of leadership principles in the world today.  His new book The New Rules For Love, Sex, and Dating is sure to be a best seller.
  28. @TimTebow – Tim is arguably the most influential Christian leader in the world under 30 years old.  Few people can actually have more influence being out of professional sports.  Miles McPherson and Derwin Gray is two.  Tim Tebow is another.
  29. @ScottWilliams – Scott uses Periscope better than any Christian leader I know.  Make sure you follow him on Twitter to see how he does it.
  30. @DangeRussWilson – The Super Bowl champion quarterback of the Seattle Seahawks has influence which extends far beyond the football field.  Few people have a Twitter account as inspirational.  I pray God continues to expand Russell’s platform.

If one of your favorites did not make The Top 30, Part 2 will be coming out this summer.  Until then, what other great Christian leaders do you follow on Twitter?  The list is endless.

Leadership comes with a microphone.  To learn partly why Jeff Henderson and Derwin Gray are such great leaders, I want to make you aware of a FREE January 14th online coaching opportunity.  Preach Better Sermons will help you learn sermon prep and delivery from those three and many more of the best preachers in the world.

Sign up here or on the image below. Availability is limited.


Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.