9 Questions Leaders Should Be Asking Each Day


True wisdom is in great questions, not great answers.  Therefore, the very best leaders are the ones asking the best questions.  Great leaders are curious.  They are continual learners.  Leaders are constantly evaluating everything through a leadership bias.

The following are 9 Questions Leaders Should Be Asking On A Daily Basis I was reminded off from recent events:

  1. How Is My Character? – Your talent can take you to a place where your character cannot sustain you.  The Cincinnati Bengals had enough talent to win this year’s Super Bowl.  Unfortunately, they only had enough character to go 59 minutes into the first round of the playoffs.  Guard your heart and mind.  What is your behavior when no one is watching?
  2. Do I Really Want To Get Better? – In the four NFL playoff games this past weekend, the team with the best quarterback won the game.  Alex Smith, Ben Roethlisbeger, Russell Wilson, and Aaron Rodgers.  This is not a coincidence.  The answer to every problem is a leader.  Do you really want to get better?  Then do whatever it takes to get the right leader.
  3. Am I Taking Enough Risks? – Great organizations are led by leaders who take risks.  One of the most significant momentum shifts in college football’s championship game was when Alabama head coach Nick Saban converted an onside kick.  Saban surely would be have been ridiculed if this would have failed.  Pundits would have called him “desperate” and that he put his team in harm’s way.  But Saban’s courageous decision positioned his team for success.
  4. Am I Taking People For Granted? – Excellence becomes average when it is all you have.  Speaking of the Alabama-Clemson game, the ratings for the national title game dropped by 15% from 2015.  There are two theories for the decline.  First, two Southern teams did not engage a large portion of the country.  Second, people are becoming bored with Alabama.  One of the greatest dynasties in sports history is making people yawn.  Develop a spirit of contentment and attitude of gratitude.  Otherwise, you will walk away from relationships which are adding tremendous value to you.  Scary question, are people getting bored with your level of excellence?
  5. Am I Hiring The Right People? – In Dee Ann Turner’s excellent book It’s My Pleasure, the Chick-Fil-A Vice President of Corporate Talent, makes the case you do not create culture, you hire it.  Are you happy with your culture?  If not, hire the right people.
  6. Am I Being Patient? – Leaders are addicted to movement.  They are always going somewhere.  This is not always a good thing.  Sports Illustrated reported in its January 11th edition that NFL teams who fire their head coaches reduce their win totals by 10% the following season.  In addition, they reduce their odds of making the playoffs by 12%.  We should take a long-term view of financial investments.  And we should take a long-term view of those in leadership.  Leaders are developed over time, not at a moment in time.  Oftentimes, the best thing you can do as a leader is nothing.
  7. Do I Know People Are Always Watching Me? – Leaders do not even know who all they are influencing.  Leaders set precedent because each day they send people forth into a time we cannot see.  Last week I was having lunch with Michael Lukaszewski of Church Fuel when a gentleman walked up to me and introduced himself.  He said, “I see you on the platform at church making announcements.” Leaders must guard their conduct and behavior.  They can never become emotionally or relationally lazy.  The scope of our influence demands excellence at all times.
  8. Am I Making A Difference? – Do you want to just make money or do you want to make a lasting difference?  Sylvester Stallone created the Rocky movie franchise in 1977 – a staggering 39 YEARS AGO!!!  And today it is more relevant than ever with the release of Creed.  May all leaders be able to one day echo Stallone’s Golden Globes acceptance speech (shown above), “I want to thank my imaginary friend Rocky Balboa for being the best friend I ever had.”  Making a difference means making something lasting.
  9. Do I Love The People I Am Leading? – Do you truly love them?  Do you care about them?  How do you show it?  Do your people know you love them?  Pastors and church leaders, the lobby is the new green room.  Quit hiding in the back.  Business leaders come out of the office.  Be approachable and willing to connect.  Being introverted, a certain personality type, or “needing to pray” is not an excuse for avoiding people.  And if you cannot be friendly, ask this question – “Am I surrounding myself with people who love people?”  But understand, the people will one day follow those who love them.  That’s the power of influence.

This is not an exhaustive list.  I could add others like the following:

  1. Am I Putting Jesus And My Family First?
  2. Am I Investing In The Next Generation?
  3. Am I Practicing Good Financial Principles?

But the 7 questions asked is a good enough list to get you started.

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.