73 Leadership Quotes On Pornography And Biblical Thinking From Johnny Hunt’s Mens Conference

This weekend I will be live blogging from Johnny Hunt’s Mens Conference.  This has become a must-attend event for me personally as it offers me two days to recharge my leadership batteries coming out of the holiday season.

With over 5,000 men live in attendance and over 50,000 viewing in simulcasts around the world, this year’s theme was Take Aim.  We want to Take Aim at some of the issues that hold us back from becoming the husbands, fathers and leaders Jesus is calling us to be. Wrong thinking. Bad choices. Lack of self control.

The following are 73 Leadership Quotes And Lessons Johnny Hunt’s Opening Session on Having a Biblical Mind and Biblical Thinking:

David Blanton – world ranked archer.

  1. “It doesn’t matter how fast your bow is. It matters how well you can operate it.”
  2. “If we try to operate our lives without God we get ourselves in trouble.”
  3. “I’ve made some fantastic shots but I’ve had misses. It’s the misses on TV that people remember most.”

Johnny Hunt

  1. “Our minds. Our thinking. It really is where it all starts.”
  2. “If I could go one word of advice I would say stay close and clean.”
  3. Choices really do define us. I want to make choices that bring glory to King Jesus.”
  4. “If you can be a good Christian at home, you can be a good Christian anywhere. But if you’re not a good Christian at home, you’re not a good Christian anywhere.”
  5. “What do I do the first hour every morning when I get up and get alone with God?”
  6. “If you live for your private pleasure at the expense of your spouse, you’re living against yourself and destroying your joy.”
  7. “None of us are perfect but in this life, in Jesus’s name, we are to pursue it. We are to be Christ-like.”
  8. “You ought to be overwhelmed at how God overwhelms you.”
  9. “You have welcomed some things in your life.”
  10. “God has given us a ministry in which the sun will never set.”
  11. “We ought to be able to say to our sons and daughters, ‘If you want to know how to live, pray for me as I try to live in a way for you to emulate me and honor God.’”
  12. “It takes a man’s man to acknowledge we have not done something right.”
  13. “A clear conscience between God and man will give you a soft pillow.”
  14. “When temptation knocks. What makes a person successful at resisting temptation? I believe the best way to discover how to overcome temptation is to look to the One who dealt with every temptation successfully.” – Charles Stanley
  15. “There’s not a man in here that doesn’t deal with temptation.”
  16. “Every man in this room has a past.”
  17. “Jesus is not against you in your struggles. Jesus sympathizes with you in your temptation.”
  18. “We’ve got to get back to the Bible.”
  19. “I can take a sword and stab a man and make him dead. Jesus can take a sword and stab a dead man and bring him back to life.”
  20. “God’s Word exposes the sinfulness of what you are being tempted to do.”
  21. “Sin tries to color itself and camoflauge itself.”
  22. “Satan tries to convince you sin is not so bad after all.”
  23. “God’s Word gives you a different viewpoint. This is how God feels about this.”
  24. “Every man that desires to be a man of God, there is a target on you.”
  25. “The devil does not waste arrows. He hits targets you have exposed as weaknesses.”
  26. “The latest research says 79% of teenagers do not even consider internet pornography a sin.”
  27. “You take care of the depth of the ministry and God will take care of the breadth.”
  28. “Sin – the more accessible. The more acceptable.”
  29. “You are one click away from having difficulty with a Biblical mind and Biblical thinking.”
  30. “If you want to be free God always gives you a road to freedom.”
  31. “God’s Word deepens our faith.”
  32. “Nothing moves God like the active faith of his children.”
  33. “Begin memorizing Scriptures that address the area that troubles you the most. Quote them audibly when you are tempted.”
  34. “If we’re going to have a Biblical mind we have to base it on Biblical truth.”
  35. “85% of the male population when they graduate from high school have never read an entire book.”
  36. “Most of the things God has developed in my life to the glory of God has not been things I’ve loved. They are things of discipline.”
  37. “Keep reading the Bible until you get something out of it. If you’re not getting something out of it, it is more of reflection of where your heart is than where God is.”
  38. “You are not what you think you are, but what you think, you are.”
  39. “Impure thinking produces inconsistent living.”
  40. “Do you know anything you want said about you in this life other when they stand over your casket than ‘This is one of Godliest men I knew.’”
  41. “Holy living follows sanctified thinking. I want to think Christianly.”
  42. “I don’t believe the Christian life is as complicated as we make it.”
  43. “Did you decide to wear a sweater tonight? No, Janet did. It’s not as complicated as you make it.”
  44. “You’re henpecked. No, I’m a consistent Christian…I don’t have to be right. But I want to be happy.”
  45. “The only offensive weapon for a Christian soldier is the Word of God.”
  46. “You need to be encouraged in the truth you already know.”
  47. “The Bible calls us to a focus in our hearts and minds.”
  48. “Our greatest struggles – Pride as it pertains to our ego…Pride may be the most insidious sin in the Word of God. Sex as it pertains to lust.”
  49. “Don’t quit before you finish.”
  50. “God challenges me to be real.”
  51. “Am I true to God? Am I true to others?”
  52. “I have men in this church that mean more to me than some of my family has meant to me.”
  53. “Real fruit takes a while to grow. Plastic fruit can be manufactured cheap and fast.”
  54. “If I want to be a man of truth then I need the Truth.”
  55. “Be respectful. Honorable people are the results of honorable things. Our thoughts should only include things worthy of God. And God is listening.”
  56. “You ought to be serious about your relationships with God.”
  57. “It is a quality that makes a spiritual leader worthy of respect. It promotes inner character.”
  58. “Every man is like the moon. They have a dark side.”
  59. “To be just is a person who wants to do the right thing. Not just when it convenient or you’re being watched. It means integrity.”
  60. “Be Pure. Purity in your thoughts. Purity in your words. Purity in your deeds. 35% of every download on the American computer is pornography.”
  61. “You keep your thoughts pure by excluding the impure.”
  62. “If a person once lets his thoughts wonder down some impure path, hidden legions joyfully emerge and stampede, pushing the mind into all kinds of sin.” – John Phillips
  63. “I’m 65 years old. If I can memorize 3-4 verses a week, so can you.”
  64. “It takes a man of God to allow the Lord Jesus Christ to clothe him in humility. If Jesus can wash Judas’s feet, we can watch the Judas’s feet in our church.”
  65. “A Christian without love is like a ship without a rudder.”
  66. “This has been the easiest church I think anyone could ever pastor.”
  67. “We’ve never voted down anything. It’s the presence of Jesus in so many people’s lives.”
  68. “Because of the fall in the Garden of Eden, we have a bias toward s the degenerate. The secret of a guided thought like is an active assertion of the will in cooperation with the Holy Spirit, to think on these things.” – John Phillips
  69. “A Christian does not have the luxury of being unkind.”
  70. “Virtue motivates us to do better.”
  71. “Virtuous things are those things that enhance our relationship with God that can lift us up, that can improve and mature our fellowship with God.”
  72. “Some of you are going to die never living for what you were put here to do.”
  73. “You’ll never change the things you’re doing until you change the way you’re thinking.”

I cannot wait for the next sessions.

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Click HERE or on the image to the left and as a free gift for subscribing to this site, you can receive my new Ebook 1869 Leadership Quotes: Timeless Truths From 2015 Global Leadership Summit, That Church, REACT and Catalyst Conferences.  Dr. Johnny Hunt provides over 100 of the quotes included.  If applied, these insights will make you an exponentially better leader.  Enjoy!!!

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.