10 Thoughts From Monty Williams’ Eulogy Of His Late Wife Ingrid


Last week, 44-year-old Ingrid Williams, the wife of Oklahoma City Thunder assistant coach Monte Williams, was tragically killed in a head-on collision when another vehicle crossed the center line.  The funeral was held on Thursday, February 18th.

Coach Williams gave a powerful, inspirational and moving tribute to his late wife which is shown above.  As you watch the video, you will be be amazed at the incredible grace of God in his life and the perspective a relationship with Jesus provides.

His message of forgiveness has inspired and challenged an entire nation.  Tragedy will visit all of us at some point.  May we have the same perspective, strength and faith in Christ as Coach Williams.

Our thoughts and prayers are with him, his five children and extended family, and per his request, the Donaldson family.

The following are 10 Thoughts From Monty Williams’ Eulogy Of His Late Wife Ingrid.  His thoughts and lessons learned are listed below.

  1. Tragedy Is Unspeakably Hard – “This is hard for my family but this will work out.”
  2. God Somehow Works Everything Out – “It will work out because God causes all things to work out.”
  3. We Must Find The Strength To Move Forward – “You can’t quit.”
  4. We All Need Jesus Christ – “What we need is the Lord and that’s what my wife tried to exhibit every single day.”
  5. It Helps During Times Of Tragedy To Pray For Others – “Everybody’s praying for me and my family, which is right.  But let us not forget that there were two people in this situation. And that family needs prayer as well.  And we have no ill will towards that family.”
  6. There Is No More Powerful Message Than The Message Of Forgiveness – “We cannot serve the Lord if we do not have a heart of forgiveness.”
  7. God Loves Us – “My wife is in Heaven.  God loves us.  God is love.”
  8. For The Christian To Be Absent From The Body Is To Be Present With The Lord – “We didn’t lose her.  When you lose something you can’t find it.  I know exactly where my wife is.”
  9. There Is Great Pain And Loss In Tragedy – “I’ll miss holding her hand.  I’ll miss talking with my wife…I just enjoyed being with my wife.  I enjoyed being with my family.”
  10. What Is Important Is Jesus Christ And His Work On The Cross –  “God is important.  What Christ did on the cross is important.”

Once again, our sincerest prayers go out to the Williams and Donaldson families during their time of loss.

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.