Live Blog: 2016 Leadership Summit – 41 Leadership Quotes From Jossy Chacko

In an effort to add value to pastors and church leaders during the next three days, I will be bringing the top leadership quotes and lessons from the incredible faculty at the Willow Creek Global Leadership Summit.

The Global Leadership Summit is a two-day event telecast from Willow Creek Community Church’s campus to hundreds of locations across the globe.  An estimated 305,000 leaders are expected to participate.

As a special gift to everyone reading these posts, INJOY Stewardship Solutions offering a complimentary downloadable Ebook entitled “The Absolute Best Quotes From The 2016 ReThink Conference.”  Click Here to Download this Free Resource! 

The afternoon’s first speaker was Pastor Jossy Chacko.

The following are 41 Leadership Lessons And Quotes From Jossy Chacko from the 2016 Global Leadership Summit:

  1. You better like them because they’re going to be more of them in Heaven.
  2. I think God likes us because he’s making so many of us.
  3. We all start with a dream.
  4. All of us have been trusted with something. How are we proving ourselves to be trusted with more?
  5. To Jesus faithfulness is not just sitting with what you have been given. Faithfulness is multiplying what you have been given.
  6. Are you proving yourself to be trusted with more?
  7. We have no excuse. We have been commanded to multiply.
  8. Our legacy will be determined by what we have done with what we have been entrusted with.
  9. Enlarge Your Vision.
  10. Are your conversations about maintenance or multiplication?
  11. They say everything is big in Texas. But just because you’re in Texas doesn’t make you a great leader.
  12. When people hear your vision they should know the bigness of your great God.
  13. Do not confused about what people say about your vision because they have not seen about what God has put into you.
  14. Don’t let popularity determine your vision. Let your vision be determined by what the Creator put inside of you.
  15. Just having a vision statement on the wall is not going to bring changes.
  16. A Passionary is a visionary with a passion.
  17. Empower Your People.
  18. Leadership is all about taking wise chances and giving people opportunities.
  19. Through empowerment we can do incredible things.
  20. Your leadership reach will be determined by your empowerment abilities.
  21. Leaders are like scaffolding. We build the foundation and empower people. Then we move onto the next thing.
  22. Focus on the building their character before empowering them.
  23. People don’t fail because of lack of information. They fail for lack of character.
  24. Empowerment is through relationship. Because it is relationship you know their character.
  25. Empowerment is not about leading from the front. Empowerment is about leading alongside.
  26. KPI – Kingdom Performance Indicators.
  27. Empowerment does not cause you to lose control. It changes what you control.
  28. Embrace Risk.
  29. Risk and faith is the same thing.
  30. In Western society it is all about eliminating risk.
  31. We then move from pioneering to preserving.
  32. You need to see risk as a friend to love, not as an enemy to be feared.
  33. As followers of Christ, we should be the most risk-taking people on Earth. God has not given us a spirit of fear.
  34. Don’t let the fear of losing what you have rob you from the fear of losing what God has for you.
  35. Your vision needs to be hinged on the door of risk.
  36. You must see comfort and safety as your enemies.
  37. Comfort, safety and risk cannot coexist.
  38. You need to start making decisions based upon Heavenly possibilities.
  39. Get comfortable with pain.
  40. Your leadership capacity is in direct relation to pain threshold.
  41. Don’t take your gifts, talents and abilities to Heaven. Heaven doesn’t need them. They are to be used here.

As a bonus, here are Pastor Chacko’s Six Empowerment Principles

  1. Should not be prohibit by the law of the land, unless the Bible commands otherwise.
  2. Should not be prohibited in the Bible.
  3. Should emanate from the local church and be transformational to the local community.
  4. Should be replicable and multipliable.  Please don’t build Taj Mahals.
  5. Should be culturally relevant and appropriate to your context.
  6. Before you make the final decision, always ask and answer honestly – if Jesus was here, would He be doing what I am going to do?

Next up is Travis Bradberry.  Check back throughout both days for live blogs and updates.  And if you have not already, don’t forget to click here or on the image below for your free resource from INJOY Stewardship Solutions.

the absolute best (4)

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.