Live Blog: 2016 Leadership Summit – 34 Leadership Quotes From John Maxwell

In an effort to add value to pastors and church leaders during the next three days, I will be bringing the top leadership quotes and lessons from the incredible faculty at the Willow Creek Global Leadership Summit.

The Global Leadership Summit is a two-day event telecast from Willow Creek Community Church’s campus to hundreds of locations across the globe.  An estimated 305,000 leaders are expected to participate.

As a special gift to everyone reading these posts, INJOY Stewardship Solutions offering a complimentary downloadable Ebook entitled “The Absolute Best Quotes From The 2016 ReThink Conference.”  Click Here to Download this Free Resource! 

The day’s next speaker was my spiritual hero Dr. John Maxwell.  John, a #1 New York Times bestselling author, coach and speaker, was identified as the #1 leader in business by the American Management Association and the world’s most influential leadership expert by Inc. in 2014.  He is simply the man!

The following are 34 Leadership Lessons And Quotes From John Maxwell from the 2016 Global Leadership Summit:

  1. When you sow into a leader’s life, how that return becomes quite amazing.
  2. All communicators connect on common ground.
  3. Everything rises and falls on leadership.
  4. Leaders lift.
  5. When leadership is bad, everything falls.
  6. You have the ability to bless people or curse people.
  7. Before a leader can lead anyone, you have to find them. You have to find a person before you can lead a person.
  8. To turn something around, you have to become very intentional.
  9. I want you to intentionally every day add value to people.
  10. Adding value to people is the core of leadership.
  11. Are you adding value to the people or are you wanting people to add value to you?
  12. There is a thin line between motivating people and manipulating people.
  13. Three question followers ask leaders – Do you like me? Can you help me? Can I trust you?
  14. Everything worthwhile is uphill.
  15. Everything in life that is previous and beautiful is uphill.
  16. People have uphill hopes and they have downhill habits.
  17. The only way to break a downhill habit is to get intentional in our life.
  18. No one has ever spoken about accidental achievement.
  19. Intentional living is deliberate.
  20. To go uphill is day-in, day-out.
  21. Significance is not about me. It is about others and it is all uphill.
  22. There is a downhill habit that fights against significance and that is selfishness
  23. Significance and selfishness cannot coexist.
  24. When someone takes a group picture, who is the first person you look for?
  25. The reason I teach intentional living is most people don’t lead there life, they can accept their life. And when you accept your life, it is unintentional and downhill.
  26. 5 Things I do everyday. I add value to people. I think about how to add value to people. I look for ways to add value to people. I add value to others. I encourage others to add value to people.
  27. What is the essence of  Jesus is that He values people.
  28. God values you.
  29. God values people I don’t know.
  30. God values people I don’t like.
  31. Christ followers are going to have to make a choice. Are we going to spend our life connecting with people or correcting them?
  32. You can’t add value to people if you don’t value people.
  33. We see things as we are, not as they are.
  34. That’s totally God.

Next up is Bishop T.D. Jakes.  Check back throughout both days for live blogs and updates.  And if you have not already, don’t forget to click here or on the image below for your free resource from INJOY Stewardship Solutions.

the absolute best (4)

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.