Live Blog: 2016 Leadership Summit – 35 Leadership Quotes From Bill Hybels, Henry Cloud And Shauna Niequist

In an effort to add value to pastors and church leaders during the next three days, I will be bringing the top leadership quotes and lessons from the incredible faculty at the Willow Creek Global Leadership Summit.

The Global Leadership Summit is a two-day event telecast from Willow Creek Community Church’s campus to hundreds of locations across the globe.  An estimated 305,000 leaders are expected to participate.

As a special gift to everyone reading these posts, INJOY Stewardship Solutions offering a complimentary downloadable Ebook entitled “The Absolute Best Quotes From The 2016 ReThink Conference.”  Click Here to Download this Free Resource! 

Next was a special session with Bill Hybels, Shauna Niequist and Dr. Henry Cloud.  Collectively, they discussed leadership blind spots, specifically self-reflection.

The following are 35 Leadership Lessons And Quotes From Bill Hybels, Shauna Niequist and Dr. Henry Cloud from the 2016 Global Leadership Summit:

  1. Blind spots are things leaders think they do well but don’t do well at all. – BH
  2. I like to keep moving and keep advancing the things of God. But if I don’t punctuate my activities with time of self-reflection I pay and everyone around me pays. – BH
  3. There is an illusion you can carry ever-increasing amounts of speed and simultaneously keep the soul line moving in the same direction at the same rate. – BH
  4. At some point with increasing speed I start losing touch with my soul. – BH
  5. I got too fast for the people in my life. – BH
  6. “Dad I will come back sometime when you can listen slow.” – 7th grade SN to BH
  7. Speed vs. Soul. – BH
  8. When leaders are learning to slow down and reflect it is awkward. – BH
  9. All things determine on one factor – who are you connect to? – HC
  10. There is only four possibility of connectedness – No Connection, Bad Connection, Good Connection, Real Connection – HC
  11. God has put every human on the planet with a chip looking for connection. – HC
  12. Leadership can force you into no connection. – HC
  13. If it’s lonely at the top, get connection because your brain’s not going to work if you’re isolated. – HC
  14. A bad connection makes me feel like I’m bad. – HC
  15. A bad connection church makes you feel bad. God is good. You’re bad. Do better. – HC
  16. A good connection relives the pain of no connection or bad connection. It feeds the addiction. – HC
  17. A real connection operates from a place of need with someone who can meet those needs. – HC
  18. You’ve got to come home to real connection. God says to come home to real connection. – HC
  19. Real connection is where God lives. – HC
  20. Every single leader I know gets caught in the illusion of achievement. – BH
  21. God used my daughter’s book as one of the most restorative tools during the break I took. – BH
  22. I believed the myth that you are what you do. – SN
  23. I believed that the achievement and the hustle and the work would make me feel happy. – SN
  24. Everything felt like an opportunity to succeed or fail. – SN
  25. I began the painful, circuitous journey back to grace, to love, to connection, to rest. And that journey has changed everything. – SN
  26. I placed m my own soul on the altar of achievement, productivity, of hustle, of competency and efficiency. – SN
  27. The love I was looking for all along is never found in the hustle. – SN
  28. Your very own heart is where the very spirit of God has made his home. – SN
  29. The love you’re looking for is never something you can calculate. – SN
  30. Love is not in numbers—numbers in bank accounts, numbers on scales, numbers on report cards or credit scores. – SN
  31. Love is something you receive. – SN
  32. Do you need to redefine success? – BH
  33. Is the story about my life right now, is it about the right story? – BH
  34. Cultivate the leadership discipline of self-reflection. It would serve you so well. – BH
  35. God enjoys rewriting stories. – BH

This concludes the morning sessions.  The afternoon’s first speaker will be Danielle Strickland.  Check back throughout the day for live blogs and updates.  And if you have not already, don’t forget to click here or on the image below for your free resource from INJOY Stewardship Solutions.

the absolute best (4)

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.