Live Blog: 2016 Leadership Summit – 47 Leadership Quotes From Chris McChesney

In an effort to add value to pastors and church leaders during the next three days, I will be bringing the top leadership quotes and lessons from the incredible faculty at the Willow Creek Global Leadership Summit.

The Global Leadership Summit is a two-day event telecast from Willow Creek Community Church’s campus to hundreds of locations across the globe.  An estimated 305,000 leaders are expected to participate.

As a special gift to everyone reading these posts, INJOY Stewardship Solutions offering a complimentary downloadable Ebook entitled “The Absolute Best Quotes From The 2016 ReThink Conference.”  Click Here to Download this Free Resource! 

The day’s first speaker was Chris McChesney.  Chris is a Wall Street Journal #1 national bestselling author of The 4 Disciplines of Execution and is the Global Practice Leader of Execution for Franklin Covey.

The following are 47 Leadership Lessons And Quotes From Chris McChesney Day 2 Opening Session from the 2016 Global Leadership Summit:

Bill Hybels

  • I can be a self-willed person who can go my own way.
  • When I roll out of bed the first thing that hits the ground are my knees.
  • I want start this day in a surrendered state. I want to live this day in a surrendered state and maybe God can use me.
  • In terms of leadership, no one has a greater impact on my life like John Maxwell.

Chris McChesney

  1. What do leaders struggle with more, strategy or execution?
  2. What are they educated in, strategy or execution?
  3. The thing leaders are most frustrated in is not what they are educated in.
  4. The hardest thing a leader will ever do is drive a plan or strategy that changes human behavior.
  5. Harder than getting another 5 lbs out of landing gear was getting a change in behavior of the engineers.
  6. We tend to blame the people. It is a natural place to go.
  7. Anytime the majority of people behave a certain way the majority of the time, the problem is not the people. It’s the system and the leader has to own it.
  8. Execution is harder than strategy.
  9. We don’t get to blame the people.
  10. An airplane flies because it obeys natural law.
  11. Focus, Leverage, Engagement, and Accountability. These are the 4 Disciplines.
  12. Every one of these is counterintuitive.
  13. Focus on the wildly important.
  14. If you have 11-20 goals, people can’t hear you.
  15. Good idea means we’re doing it. There will always be more good ideas than there is a capacity to execute.
  16. What lives at the corner of Really Important and Not Going To Happen On Its Own?
  17. WIG – a Wildly Important Goal.
  18. What makes a WIG a WIG is the importance you give it.
  19. What are the fewest battles necessary to win the war?
  20. Navigation, Propulion, and Life Support. Three things needed to go to the moon.
  21. When you need to accomplish something big, think small.
  22. You can veto but don’t dictate.
  23. People have to have their say but they don’t have to have their way. We know this is true because it rhymes.
  24. You can to move your goal from a concept to a target.
  25. The phone in your pocket has more memory than the Saturn 5 rocket.
  26. A huge increase in accountability means moral and engagement also go up.
  27. 15 metrics is not a finish line.
  28. Execution doesn’t like complexity.
  29. The two best friends of execution is simplicity and transparency.
  30. Lead Measures are predictive.
  31. I have seven children. That’s why I travel. If you need me tomorrow, I am your guy.
  32. Everybody knows diet and exercise. Everybody doesn’t know how many calories I consumed today and how many I burned. Many don’t know the data behind things.
  33. Give the frontline your best thinking.
  34. Data is hard to get.
  35. People will forget the data in three days.
  36. Keep a compelling scoreboard.
  37. People play differently when they are keeping score.
  38. You want a players scoreboard, not a coaches scoreboard.
  39. We want it simple, highly visible to the player, and tells us immediately if we are winning or losing.
  40. The number one driver of moral and engagement is if a person knows they are winning.
  41. Do the people who work for me feel like they are playing a winnable game.
  42. Create a cadence of accountability.
  43. Why is execution so frustrating? Because in the moment, urgency always trumps importance.
  44. As leaders don’t give people their commitments.
  45. Great execution is about creating a pull. It’s about creating a winnable game.
  46. When you valet your car, you have enough friends. What you need is your car.
  47. The natural laws for execution are the same laws for engagement.

Next up is Erin Meyer.  Check back throughout the day for live blogs and updates.  And if you have not already, don’t forget to click here or on the image below for your free resource from INJOY Stewardship Solutions.

the absolute best (4)

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.