32 Leadership Quotes And Lessons From Hacksaw Ridge


The Oscars have been decided.  Hacksaw Ridge is the Best War Movie I Have Ever Seen!  I was fortunate enough to see an advanced screening of Mel Gibson’s war epic at the recent Catalyst Conference.  The movie’s producers have been conducting a series of showings to various segments of the faith and military communities to build awareness and appreciation for our military so they can get the care they need.

Let me sum up the film’s quality this way, the movie received a standing ovation at its conclusion.  With all that is going on in our country, it is an important a movie made in quite awhile.

Hacksaw Ridge is the true story of Private Desmond Doss, an Army medic in WWII.  Doss, played by Andrew Garfield, was responsible for saving the lives of 75 soldiers during the Battle of Okinawa despite not carrying a rifle into battle.  While staying true to his religious belief of saving human life, Doss faced extreme pressure from his fellow soldiers but later earned their respect as well as a Medal of Honor.

This movie is rated R-rated for war violence but contains no F-bombs or GDs.  In fact, Gibson edited out the foul language when the actors used them.  Thank you!!!  But be aware, the battle scenes make the opening scene of Saving Private Ryan look like a walk in the park.  In fact, a man sitting in front of me had to get up and leave the theater.  He did not return.

The following are 32 Leadership Quotes And Lessons From the absolutely incredible Hacksaw Ridge:

  1. Always Lead With Scripture – The movie opens quoting Isaiah 40:28-31, Have you not known? Have you not heard? The everlasting God, the LordThe Creator of the ends of the earth, Neither faints nor is weary. His understanding is unsearchable. He gives power to the weak, And to those who have no might He increases strength. Even the youths shall faint and be weary, And the young men shall utterly fall, But those who wait on the Lord Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary,
    They shall walk and not faint.”
  2. The Power Of A Father’s Influence – Fathers set precedent and determine the trajectories of their children by sending them forth into a time they cannot see.  The behavior of Doss’s father Tom, played masterfully by Hugo Weaving, when he was young determined his behavior and worldview as an adult.
  3. Leaders Are Guided By Something That Must Be Done – Doss said, “I can’t stay here while all the other people are fighting for me.”
  4. Godly Leaders Are People Of Prayer – Tom Doss told Desmond as he was preparing to enlist, “You got to sit and think and pray about everything.”
  5. Fathers Should Speak Life And Blessing Into Their Children – Tom continued, “If by some miracle chance you survive, you won’t be serving.”
  6. The Word Of God Is What Sustains Us During Difficult Times – Doss’s fiancee Dorothy, played by Teresa Palmer, gave him a Bible as he went off to basic training.
  7. Humor Is A Leader’s Friend – Drill Sergeant Howell, played wonderfully by Vince Vaughn, told new recruit Doss, “I have stalks of corn with better physiques.  Keep this man away from strong wind.”
  8. Godly Leaders Are Always Under Attack From The World – During basic training Doss said, “My values are under attack and I don’t know why.”
  9. Successful Leaders Are Bridge Builders – Doss told his commanding officer Captain Glover, played by Sam Worthington, “I’m a conscientous cooperator.”
  10. Great Leaders Are Willing To Pay The Highest Prices – Doss said, “I’m prepared to give my life for my men.”
  11. Leaders With Conviction Must Be Willing To Pay A High Price On A Daily Basis – Doss suffered literal physical assault from his fellow soldiers.
  12. God Uses A Leader’s Spouse To Bring A Proper Perspective – Dorothy told an imprisoned Doss, “Who are you going to serve in prison.”
  13. The Toughest Person To Lead Is Yourself – Doss told Dorothy, “I don’t know how I can live with myself if I don’t stay true to what I believe.”
  14. All Great Leaders Are Servant Leaders – Doss said, “I need to serve.  I have the energy to be a medic.”
  15. Leaders Often Think Counterintuitively – They just view the world differently.  Doss said, “While everyone else will be taking life I’ll be saving it.”
  16. Relationships Matter – People make decisions about you when you’re not in the room so do not burn bridges.  Tom Doss used an old relationship to get his son exonerated.
  17. Successful Leaders Bring Healing And Solutions – Doss said, “With the world set on tearing itself apart, it don’t seem like such a bad thing to me to put a little bit of it back together.”
  18. Purity Matters – Private Doss and fiancee waited until their wedding night to consummate their relationship.  I respect that.  What a beautiful picture.
  19. Leaders Define Reality – As the troops climbed the ridge and headed into battle, Sergeant Howell said, “We’re not in Kansas anymore Dorothy.”
  20. Rarely Does Anything Great Happen Where You Are.  Leaders Must Keep Climbing Higher.  – The soldiers had to climb a rope ladder to engage the Japanese troops.  They could not conquer the ridge without scaling it first.
  21. The Price Of Leadership Is Leaders Must Go First – When the battle began the leaders ran in first.
  22. Respect Comes From Results – Many leaders falsely want respect prior to it being earned.  Doss was considered a coward until he began to bravely save lives.  Then he was considered a hero.
  23. Leaders Should Gather All The Information And Be Slow To Judge – A fellow soldier told Doss, “I judge people quick but I got you very wrong.”
  24. We All Need To Be Rescued – Each of us were born with a terminal condition called sin.  Sin separates us from God and results in spiritual death.  Jesus rescued us from this death by His death on the cross.  Only by accepting Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, will we be able to spend eternity with Him in Heaven.
  25. Rescuers Run Into The Fire – While everyone else runs from the fire, rescuers run into it to save us.
  26. Crisis Requires Innovation – To save each life, Doss developed a pulley system to lower soldiers from the ridge to safety.
  27. Godly Leaders Rely Solely Upon God For Opportunity And Direction – As Doss rescued soldier after soldier, he prayed, “Please Lord help me get one more.”
  28. Secure Leaders Ask For Forgiveness – Captain Glover said, “All I saw was a skinny kid.  I did not know what I saw.  I’ve never been more wrong about anybody.  Please forgive me.”
  29. People Follow Passion More Than Personality – Captain Glover added, “They don’t believe what you do.  But they believe you do.”
  30. Everyone Wants To Follow A Praying Leader – Before the climatic battle, the entire squad waited on Doss to finish praying and hear from God before entering battle.
  31. Nothing Is To Be Cherished More Than The Word Of God – After getting injured on the battlefield, the troops went through great lengths to get Private Doss his Bible back.  In fact, Doss was holding it as he was lowered to safety.
  32. Our Military Personnel Are Heroes – When told he was a hero, Doss concludes, “The real heroes are buried over there.”

Once again, this is one of the most important and impactful movies I have ever seen.  I am so honored to be an American and join in honoring the brave men and women who serve our country.  This movie should dominate the Oscars.  What an absolutely unbelievable account of the bravery that is required to save lives!!!  Make sure you see this movie as soon as possible.


Click HERE or on the image to the left and as a free gift for subscribing to this site, you can receive my new Ebook 1269 Leadership Quotes: Timeless Truths From 2016’s Top Christian Leadership Conferences.  Featured are the Johnny Hunt Mens Conference, ReThink Leadership, Orange and Leadercast Conferences among others.  If applied, these insights will make you an exponentially better leader.  Enjoy!!!

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.