This weekend I will be live blogging from Johnny Hunt’s Men’s Conference.  This has become a must-attend event for me personally as it offers me two days to recharge my leadership batteries coming out of the holiday season.

With over 6,000 men live in attendance and 26 churches viewing in simulcasts around the world, this year’s theme was Battle Ready.  A war is waging, a daily battle for our hearts, our minds and our souls.  Before you swore allegiance to Jesus, the enemy had nothing against you. Now a servant of the King, you are the primary target of an enemy bent on the destruction of you and your family.

Before getting to Pastor Johnny’s amazing insights, if you want last year’s best conference quotes, click HERE and as a free gift for subscribing to this site, you can receive my Ebook 1269 Leadership Quotes: Timeless Truths From 2016’s Top Christian Leadership Conferences.  You will get the Johnny Hunt Men’s Conference sessions along with the ReThink Leadership, Orange and Leadercast Conferences.

The following are 75 Leadership Quotes From The Johnny Hunt Men’s Conference Opening Session:

  1. I believe if you will build a ministry in which the sun never sets, it will be built on men. Men are the untapped reservoir of useful energy for the Kingdom of God.
  2. I want to take as many people with me to Heaven as I can and I want to help develop as many as possible who are fully-devoted of followers of Jesus Christ.
  3. We want Jesus to be lifted up and the Falcons to rise up!
  4. I’ve never seen so many men fall. I’ve never seen so many pastors disqualified.
  5. If you can be a good Christian at home, you can be a good Christian anywhere. But if you can’t be a good Christian at home, you can’t be a good Christian anywhere.
  6. His goal is always restoration.
  7. Anytime you begin to live different than ought to, you become a dog-faced liar.
  8. You can’t teach a transgressor God’s way without a sword. And you can’t carry a sword without a belt.
  9. We will be remembered by how we finish.
  10. If you live for your private pleasure at the expense of your spouse, you’re living against yourself and you’re destroying your joy.
  11. To put on the full armor of God is to put on Jesus.
  12. If I cut you, you leave bleeding. If He cuts you, you’ll leave healed.
  13. When I first got saved, what helped me? I kept it simple.
  14. If you doubt, don’t do it.
  15. The person who is corrupted or seduced by a temptation follows the passions and desires of his own self rather than the will and commands of God.
  16. The only people who don’t find themselves under satanic attack are those who are so totally controlled by the devil that they no longer feel guilt or have any conviction about temptation.
  17. I didn’t know how hard it was to live the Christian life until I really got saved.
  18. Satan wants to steal from you the resources you might use to extend the gospel. He wants to destroy your reputation so that anything you say about the Lord is suspect. He wants to kill your valuable relationships with other people so that you are demoralized and don’t believe you can influence another person for Christ.
  19. Satan’s purpose in doing this is to keep God’s purposes from you, deny God the glory He might receive from your life, and ultimately destroy you. He seeks to replace God with himself in your life.
  20. The devil is a glory stealer.
  21. We have a REAL enemy! A satanic attack is a deliberate, willful, intentional, and well-designed act intended to bring harm to a person in any way; physical, mental, relationally, spiritual, emotionally, etc.
  22. The devil focuses on our strongest need and desire. Some people question, “Is the devil omniscient, does he know all things about me?” No, his knowledge is limited.
  23. He observes the way you live. In observing your life, he can see where you are weak by the choices you make, the things to which you gravitate, and the things you habitually show an interest in or express an interest in doing.
  24. He’s not omniscient. You showed him.
  25. Porn is a gateway drug to get you to act out what you see on the internet.
  26. The enemy can see where you’re weak by the choices you make.
  27. Satan seeks to draw us away from God. That’s always his ultimate goal.
  28. When I fell in love with the Father, I fell in love with The Family.
  29. Who would want to go to Heaven if you didn’t like The Family?
  30. Satan seeks to thwart us in God’s purpose and plan for our lives. He seeks to get us off track and out of the will of God for our lives. God has a purpose in your life.
  31. You can go with Jesus’s claim but without Jesus’s name.
  32. Satan seeks to deny God the glory, honor, and praise due Him as we live godly lives of faith and trust in Him.
  33. The more effective you are, the more successful you are, the more famous you are, the holier you are, the more the devil will try to tempt you to make a mistake that will destroy your reputation, your integrity, and your witness for Christ.
  34. If we could see the final outcome of sin, we’d never engage in the first act of any sin. Sin leads to death, destruction, and diminishing of every good thing. It destroys relationships, reputations, and the opportunity to reap great blessings.
  35. If you don’t demolish a stronghold, the stronghold will demolish you.
  36. If you do not kill sin in you, the sin in you will kill you.
  37. Sin thrills, then it kills. It fascinates, then it assassinates.
  38. It hinders growth and keeps us from fulfilling our God-given destiny. It destroys inner peace, joy and feeling of deep satisfaction. It diminishes self-worth and dashes hopes, dreams and goals. Sin shackles and limits us in ways that cause us to retreat into ourselves and to hide from the world.
  39. Jesus is the One who gives a happy sou
  40. The devil’s purposes is to draw you away from God, to thwart God’s purpose for your life, to deny the glory of God in your life, and to destroy you in any way he can, including physical death.
  41. Paul assigned truth to the lower abdominal area because various parts of the body are vulnerable in different ways to physical injury. The abdomen was considered the most vulnerable area in a sword fight because it was soft and fleshly tissue. A sword could penetrate the abdomen easily, and wounds to this area were prone to intense and often uncontrolled bleeding; susceptible to infection. These wounds very often led to death.
  42. You have to know what to take into your life and what to eliminate from your life.
  43. If you are entertaining ideas based upon false information or lies, you are living in a state of delusion.
  44. If you are unsure about what is true and what is a lie, you will be living in a state of confusion, and your decisions and choices will lack clarity, focus, and power.
  45. Everything that is birthed on this earth, not only physical babies, but ideas, ministries, companies, movements, and organizations, is birthed in relationships with other people.
  46. We need to develop relationships that are based on God’s truth and that function in honesty, integrity, purity, vulnerability, mutual sharing and support, genuine love and respect.
  47. The pursuit of truth requires a real commitment on our part. We must be intentional about pursuing truth.
  48. At the very heart of you being intentional about living in the truth, about putting this girdle of truth around you, is your conscious commitment to trust Jesus as your Savior and make a commitment to believe in Him and follow Him with your whole heart.
  49. A person cannot live the Christian life with consistency and victory if he does not make a commitment to pursue the truth of God’s Word.
  50. Truth ultimately is a person – Jesus Christ.
  51. What does it mean to be righteous? When we receive Jesus as our Savior, we receive the gift of righteousness.
  52. I am going to Heaven not because I’m better than anyone in this room. Righteousness refers to a living up of a person’s belief, attitudes, thoughts, and behavior with God’s commandments and principles.
  53. There is simply no substitute for living obediently before God.
  54. We have to be careful what we breathe in. What we breathe in we also exhale. We can pollute our spirits. What do we listen to? What do you watch? What places do you go to?  What places do you surf on the web? All these things go straight to the heart and mind where they act as poison.
  55. What goes down in the well comes up in the bucket.
  56. If your attitudes, emotions, and beliefs are right, then your words and behavior are going to be right.
  57. What you take in from the world, what you breathe out into the world, and what you say and do based on what you believe, think and feel, all contribute to something called integrity.
  58. A person’s reputation, integrity, character appraisal in the eyes of others, is directly related to the atmosphere in which he chooses to live and he helps to create, and to what he likens, thinks, feels, says and does.
  59. It doesn’t take much to mortally wound a person’s integrity or reputation. In fact, the higher the person’s profile, the more vulnerable he is to the damage that can occur as the result of just one indiscretion or one blatantly sinful act or lie.
  60. The higher the person’s profile, the more damage can occur from one indiscretion.
  61. The more God’s uses me, the quicker you can fall from it.
  62. One of the worst things we can do is to go into a battle against the devil with fear in our hearts. Fear disables and paralyzes.  Fear keeps us from taking the decisive action that wins a spiritual battle. Fear clouds the memory and keeps us from making sound, rational, truth-based decisions.
  63. As soldiers the preparation of the gospel of peace is a preparation to face death, to face persecution, and to face hard times.
  64. One of the reasons a man doesn’t give is fear he won’t have enough.
  65. So many people battle with the altar of money.
  66. The only people that don’t like me talking about money are those people who don’t like me talking about their god.
  67. The greatest reward of a life obedience is Jesus Himself.
  68. Peace is the bedrock foundation for courage, confidence, and risk taking in your witness for Jesus Christ to this world.
  69. Without peace, you have to work up courage, you have to motivate yourself to have confidence.
  70. With peace filling your heart and motivating your steps, you automatically have confidence and courage.
  71. Without peace reigning in your life, you will not give sacrificially or take an unpopular stand for Christ.
  72. Those who have been shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace so desire to see others experience the peace of God in their hearts.
  73. A Roman soldier never took off his belt, his breastplate, or his shoe; even during times of rest or lulls in the battle.
  74. If you know the truth and base all of your relationships and beliefs on the truth, if you are committed to making choices and decisions that keep you in right standing with God at all times, and if you are so grounded in peace that you can walk with assurance and confidence into any situation, you are well armed.
  75. Without Christ’s righteousness you’re not even a Christian.

Johnny Hunt’s session for senior pastors is next!  I can’t wait!


As mentioned above, click HERE or on the image to the left and as a free gift for subscribing to this site, you can receive my new Ebook 1269 Leadership Quotes: Timeless Truths From 2016’s Top Christian Leadership Conferences.  Featured are last year’s Johnny Hunt Mens Conference sessions along with the ReThink Leadership, Orange and Leadercast Conferences.  If applied, these insights will make you an exponentially better leader.  Enjoy!!!

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