The apostle Peter is infamous in Scripture for “hoof in mouth disease” and denying Jesus, but his track record and testimony is so much bigger than that.  Maybe you can relate…

When Jesus saw Simon, the fisherman, Jesus looked past what most people saw – the flaws, and He turned them into strengths. Isn’t it great to know that He can do the same with us?! And, not only can He do the same with us, he models for us how we can see the same potential in those that we lead.

What were the traits that Jesus saw that made Peter a great candidate for leadership?

  1. Leaders speak up (Boldness).

He might not get it right every time. He may not say it right. He always had an opinion…but at least he spoke up!  He was willing to be wrong, rather than not be counted. He wanted people to know where he stood. Except for one brief lapse in this area, Peter stood up for what he believed in. He took a stand. He talked about his faith. He wasn’t afraid to tell anyone what he thought and what he believed. When Jesus asked the apostles what they believed about Jesus, guess who speaks up?

“But what about you?” (plural) he asked. “Who do you say I am?” Simon Peter answered, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Matthew 16:15–16 (NIV)

If you’re looking for a leader, look for the one that speaks up first. They may say too much. They may overdo it. They may not say everything right. God can work in and through you to help them with all of that. If they will speak up, they are a great candidate for leadership. Leadership 2 requires boldness. Without it, they won’t be able to lead. If they will speak up, people will listen…people will follow.

“Then Peter stepped forward with the eleven other apostles and shouted to the crowd, ‘Listen carefully, all of you, fellow Jews and residents of Jerusalem!..'” Acts 2:14 (NLT)

The apostles did.

Then Jerusalem did.

Then the rest of the world did.

And within one generation, with Jesus’ influence and the Spirit’s power, He had led a movement that turned the world upside down and is still impacting us today.

So, when evaluating who the possible leaders are around you, ask yourself these questions:

Who speaks up first around you?

Who’s the most vocal?

Which one of your children is most bossy?

Who’s got an opinion about everything?

The answers to these might just help you spot a leader.

  1. Leaders set the pace.

Look for the person who gets there first and leaves last. Look for the one who seems to be willing to work the hardest.

The one who’s always wanting to do the minimum can never become a great leader.  The one who pushes back when asked to do something outside their ministry description is not the leader. The one who gets an attitude because you call at the last-minute to make a big request, will never be the great leader.

Leaders are willing to do whatever it takes. Leaders have what my friend David Chrzan calls “capacity in the moment.” They can think on their feet. They can respond quickly without getting stressed or overly frustrated. They don’t whine or complain. They work very hard and maintain a positive attitude with a smile on their face. Leaders are simply willing to work harder than everyone else. Leaders are willing to sacrifice more. Followers look for a position that doesn’t require too much time or any after hours requirements. Leaders always ask for more. Leaders always ask: “How could I make more impact?” Look for the one who seems to be willing to DIE for the mission. Look for the one who tends to bite off more than they can chew. Here’s how we know Peter had this:

“But Peter declared, ‘Even if I have to die with you, I will never disown you.’ And all the other disciples said the same.” Matthew 26:35 (NIV).

A leader is one who’s willing to sacrifice everything for the mission will set the pace for everyone else. That’s what a leader does. To spot a leader, look for the one who’s willing to take out trash and stack chairs for the mission. Look for the one who sees the big picture; who understands Heavenly reward. Look for the one you have to TELL to take a break. Take a day off. Take vacation. Look for the one you have to TELL to slow down or go home. Look for the one you have to help say No.

Look for the one who sets the pace for everyone around them…in the best way.

Anyone come to mind around you?

You may have just spotted a leader.

This has been a guest post by my good friend Shawn Lovejoy.  Shawn is the Founder & CEO of a coaching ministry for leaders. He loves coaching leaders through what keeps them awake at night. CourageToLead employs multiple coaches all over the U.S to work one-on-one with leaders and ministries. Shawn’s new book for leaders: Be Mean About The Vision: Preserving and Protecting What Matters, released in April 2016. Shawn lives in Birmingham, AL with his wife Tricia, and their three kids Hannah, Madison, and Paul.  Pastors, make sure you reach out to Shawn.  He will make you a much more effective leader.

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