The Top 10 Leadership Posts I Read The Week Of June 12th

Recently, Michael Kors and Payless both they announced they would be closing hundreds of stores because of too much competition.  This includes both online and traditional storefront properties.  Faria Efros, president of of HRC Advisory, told the USA Today in its June 1st edition, “Everyone is competing for the same customers.  Little differentiation exists.  Pretty much everyone sells the same thing, thus (there’s) an increase in cannibalization among each other.”

From a leadership perspective I see this as great news.  The churches, schools, businesses and organizations which are thriving are those who are the best led, get the best talent, provide consumers with the best products and services, build personal and meaningful relationships, create memorable experiences, and foster high degrees of trust.  The consumer wins because competition weeds out those who do not deliver this.

Before getting to this week’s posts I want to make you aware of a few quality products and resources from trusted resources which will make you a better leader:

  1. How To Lead High Capacity Givers webinar – I will be coaching hundreds of pastors and church leaders on best practices for discipling the wealthy people in their church.  Click HERE to sign-up for a free, one-hour online session on this Thursday afternoon, June 22nd.  Don’t miss this!
  2. New Book – The Myth Of Balance by Frank Bealer.  Formerly of Elevation Church and now with Orange, few know about being successful at the highest level and still maintaining a great family as Franks.
  3. 2nd New Book – Bigger, Faster Leadership: Lessons from the Builders of the Panama Canal by Dr. Sam Chand.  This is as fine a book as you will ever read on building and implementing healthy systems for your organization.

The following are some of this week’s posts which you may have missed:

Now as promised, the following are The Top 10 Leadership Posts I Read The Week Of June 12th:

  1. It Would Be Easier If Your Church Didn’t Grow by Paul Alexander
  2. 20+ Downloadable Graphics Your Church Can Use To Promote Baptisms by Rich Birch
  3. Why We Stop Saying Yes (And Why We Shouldn’t!) by Kurt Bubna
  4. The Hillsong Channel: The Next Step In Christian Television? by Phil Cooke
  5. My Top Small Group Learnings 2016-2017 by Mark Howell
  6. 3 Ways To Boost Your Preaching Creativity by Brandon Kelley via
  7. 10 Children’s Ministry Issues by Chuck Lawless
  8. How To Handle An Issue With A Staff Person by Shawn Lovejoy via
  9. 10 Challenges That Defined Facebook The Company Disrupting The World by Skip Prichard
  10. “We Were In Marital Hell” by Kay Warren via

Well that is my Top 10 for the week.  What other great articles did you read?


Click HERE or on the image to the left and as a free gift for subscribing to this site, you can receive my new Ebook 1269 Leadership Quotes: Timeless Truths From 2016’s Top Christian Leadership Conferences.  Featured are the Johnny Hunt Mens Conference, ReThink Leadership, Orange and Leadercast Conferences among others.  If applied, these insights will make you an exponentially better leader.  Enjoy!!!

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.