A Proven Mathematical Formula For Leadership Success With One Major Caveat

“You work six months out of the year to get one play right, and that’s why the little things lead to the big things.” – Clemson wide receiver Hunter Renfrow on catching the winning pass in the 2017 National Championship game.

The Tigers offense worked six months on one play.  Think about the commitment needed for their success.  Hundreds of hours of sweat.  Countless repetitions.  Maniacal commitment.  Extreme focus.  Great attention to detail.  Hours of film study.  These are the requirements for success.

This is how little things turn into big things.

As I read several recent articles on success, one principal kept standing out – Time and how to leverage it.  From these articles, I developed a mathematical formula for success.

(Leadership + A Solid Foundation + Continual Learning + Grit + Consistency + Constant Evaluation) x Time = Success

Below is the supporting information followed by a major caveat afterwards.

  1. Success Is A Result Of Quality Leadership – Everything starts with leadership.  National champion Clemson Tigers co-offensive coordinator Tony Elliott said in the August 11th USA Today, about last year’s All-American quarterback, “Deshaun (Watson) taught us a valuable lesson in that you have to build the system around the quarterback first.  Each QB is going to have their own flavor, and then within the package you basically have plays that kinda fit all the different personalities.”
  2. Laying A Solid Foundation To Build From Is Required For Success – In the July 26th USA Today, Penn State Nittany Lions head football coach James Franklin said, “Everybody is focused on this past season (Year 3) but the groundwork and the foundation that we laid in Year 1 and Year 2, that’s what allowed us to have the success we had (last) year.”
  3. Continual Learning From Proven Experts Is Required For Success – This speaks to your attitude.  Mentorbox reports the average CEO reads 60 books per year.  They understand their success is greatly determined by continually learning from proven experts.
  4. Grit Is Required For Long-Term Growth – Coach Franklin continued, “Last year was a nice step in the right direction for us, but that’s what it was.  For us to go where we want to go, we’ve still bot a lot of steps left to take.  This is gonna be a slow, steady, scratch, claw and fight for every inch.” For more on grit, read 10 Signs Of Highly Successful Leaders With Grit.
  5. Consistency Is Required For Success – Prior to the 2016 NFL Draft, Notre Dame linebacker Jaylon Smith was a projected top-5 pick.  However, Smith suffered a horrific knee injury during the 2016 Fiesta Bowl threatening his career.  After needed a full year to rehab, Smith is preparing to make his professional debut.  Reflecting on his arduous training, he said in the July 27th USA Today, “Timing is everything.  The mark of greatness is consistency.  That’s not just when you’re succeeding, that’s when you’re going through trials and tribulations and you’re able to persevere.”
  6. Constant Evaluation Is Required For Success – This implies failure and adjustments.  Clemson’s co-offensive coordinator Tony Elliott continued, “You have to study yourself and know your tendencies.”
  7. Patience And Time Are Required For Success – Dunkirk is an amazing movie.  You can read my leadership lessons from this film by clicking HERE.  One of the movie’s highlights are the aerial dogfights between the British Spitfires and German airplanes.  To film the scenes, director Christopher Nolan mounted large IMAX cameras on the planes.  These cameras can only film for three-and-a-half minutes at a time and then needed to be reloaded with film.  Actor and aerial coordinator Craig Hosking said in the August 7th USA Today, “There were literally hundreds of take-off and landings.”
  8. (Leadership + A Solid Foundation + Continual Learning + Grit + Consistency + Constant Evaluation) x Time = Success – Clemson won last year’s national championship in the game’s last minute on a touchdown pass play called “Crush”.  Wide receiver Hunter Renfrow, who caught the game winner, said, “You work six months out of the year to get one play right, and that’s why the little things lead to the big things.”

Now the caveat.  In point #2 I mentioned the importance of having a solid foundation.  The only foundation that ensures long-term success is the Bible.  Joshua 1:8 teaches, “This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.” (ESV)

If you want long-term success, the only proven plan is constantly studying God’s Word, the Bible and applying its teachings.  This ensures you become everything you were created to be.  Success without a foundation of God’s Word will be short-term at best.


Click HERE or on the image to the left and as a free gift for subscribing to this site, you can receive my new Ebook 1269 Leadership Quotes: Timeless Truths From 2016’s Top Christian Leadership Conferences.  Featured are the Johnny Hunt Mens Conference, ReThink Leadership, Orange and Leadercast Conferences among others.  If applied, these insights will make you an exponentially better leader.  Enjoy!!!

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.