Archive | Family

Staying Faithful

Several weeks ago I wrote a very popular post entitled How A Sunday School Teacher Changed My Life.  It was a collection of leadership principles I learned from my high school Sunday School teacher, Lenis Black. Through a series of events, I was reconnected with Mr. Black after 25 years and as a result, my family had […]

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Quotes and Why We Love Them So Much

Like many bloggers, I frequently will post something and just know that it will become the most popular blog I’ve ever written.  However, statistics show that the most widely read posts I write are not my thoughts but rather compilations of great quotes or speeches by others.  This is a reminder that we are significantly moved and impacted by the use of words and language.  How a […]

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10 Things Every Husband Wants To Hear

In any area of a man’s life, his level of performance is in direction proportion to his wife’s confidence in him.  I was reminded of that fact this morning as we were getting ready for the day and my wife said “I love my life!”  As she said that I was filled with a healthy sense of pride.  As a husband […]

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10 Things That Wake Leaders Up At 2:00 AM

There are perks to leadership and there is a price to leadership.  Nowhere is this better demonstrated than what wakes you up in the middle of the night. We’ve all been there.  The anxiousness, the stress dreams, the pit in your stomach that sometimes come with the leadership responsibilities we carry.  It’s so hard NOT to […]

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Confessions Of A College Freshman

Amanda Wing has captured the heart of my family.  You see, Amanda is my niece.  I had not seen her for years but she has recently become a significant part of our lives.  This week we are celebrating with her as she is moving to Dalton State College to begin her freshman year. Christian leaders understand this will be a pivotal time […]

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