The Leadership Of Peyton Manning Part 7

We are all watching the Tiger Woods issues and the layers of damage done both professionally and to others by his decisions. Everyone has an opinion but I want to approach this issue from another perspective. It appears Tiger failed The Margin Question which asks “Do I Use My Marginal Time Wisely?” How you use your margins tells you a lot about yourself and your leadership, both self-leadership and the leadership of others. It speaks to one’s character. Character is who you are when no one is watching. Here’s the ironic secret – Someone is always watching!

I want to stay true to analyzing the leadership of Peyton Manning from the SI article so I will point out examples of how he uses his time to increase his capacity and slump proof his leadership. Each of these examples have been mentioned but they must also be viewed through the lens of time management.

  • He spends a portion of his off-season running a passing camp. How do you spend your nights, weekends, and off-time? Is family a top priority for you?
  • He spent the day after the draft working with 1st round pick Donald Brown. Do you spend off hours doing life with others and pouring into them? Are you in a group of people away from work who challenge you to get better and you challenge them? Is there accountability in your life?
  • He spent an airline flight improving on a completed assignment. Do you sleep on airplanes or do you use time such as that for additional preparation?
  • He spends additional time each week watching extra film of opponents. Do you set aside time each day for personal growth, reflection, and reading? Always remember, leaders are readers!

I referenced Tiger at the beginning of this post. I would like to give all men a practical insight into how to avoid the human pain and heartache that an adulterous affair can bring. Men, when you get off work, GO HOME! If you are on the road for business and have completed your assignment, GO STRAIGHT BACK TO YOUR HOTEL! Watch TV, read a book, sleep, read the Bible, do office work, do something but go back to the hotel. Here’s why:

A hunter hunts best at dawn and dusk, after 5:00 PM. Proverbs 7:7-22“I (a women) saw among the naive a young man lacking sense, passing through the street near her corner, and takes the way to her house, in the twilight of the evening, in the middle of the night and in the darkness. And behold, a women comes to meet him dressed as a harlot and cunning in heart…Her feet do not remain at home…she seizes him and kisses him…Suddenly he follows her as an ox goes to the slaughter.” Men, you are being hunted whether you realize it or not.

Men, nothing will decrease your capacity and influence like a moral failure – ask Tiger. One practical thing you can do is be with your family when it’s time to be with your family. If men consistently go out after work without their wife, they need to know that they are being hunted by an enemy that wishes to steal, kill, and destroy.

Now it’s time for personal reflection – How do you spend your marginal time? Is it centered on personal growth and the growth of others? Or is it chasing momentary pleasures that, at best, have no redemptive value or, at worst, cause irreparable damage to you and others? Make the right choice. Men, GO HOME!

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.