The Leadership Of Peyton Manning Part 10

Back in the late 90s, I attended a weekend men’s retreat at Camp Windshape ( located on the campus of Berry College in Rome, GA.  During a rock climbing exercise I quit about 80% of the way up and came back down.  Here’s the thing, no one else knew I quit…but I did.

That lit a fire in me that day.  It dawned on me that in many areas of my life I had done what was more than enough in other people’s eyes, but didn’t pay the price to do the absolute best I could do.  Shortly thereafter, I heard a message from Senior Pastor Bil Hybels of Willow Creek Community Church ( where he discussed the need to bring our very best to God and not an “unblemished lamb” as a sacrifice of worship.  God gave His absolute best for me in His son Jesus Christ.  I needed to give my absolute best to Him and others.  Bill put into words what I was intuitively feeling deeply in my core.

It was at that time that I asked and answered The Christ Question “Am I Reaching My Full Redemptive Potential?“  For over 10 years now I can honestly say I have given my very best in each major discipline in my life.  Before I give you the five benefits of The Christ Question, I would like to give you visual confirmation of people who have overcome far more than I have ever had to and exceeded their capacity.


  1. My Relational Capacity Has Increased.  Because I have given them the best I could do, I trust I am a better husband and father than I was previously.  Many men I know have defined marital success as being faithful and not getting divorced.  Sadly, I understand why the bar is that low.  However, when you increase your capacity you focus on quality of life, being relationally healthy, and leaving a Christian legacy for the next generation.
  2. My Intellectual Capacity Has Increased.  Leaders are readers.  God has shown me that reading books during times of margin will yield greater benefits than watching television or taking a nap.  I have a responsibility to maximize the mind I was given.
  3. My Emotional Capacity Has Increased.  I used to be very self-centered and still struggle with that as a default mode in my life.  Here’s what I know though, God loves people and I cannot increase my capacity without understanding the value of those around me.  We need to look for opportunities to be refreshed by those speaking into our lives and investing in us.  It has been said and I agree that what shapes a person is the books they’ve read and the people they’ve met.
  4. My Productive Capacity Has Increased.  Because my mind is operating at a higher level and I’m accomplishing more through team efforts, my production has increased.  What I love about this aspect of our performance is that life is more than about output and widgets, it’s about the relief of suffering and changing human life in the present and for eternity.  Because God put that desire in my heart over a decade ago to give my best to Him, I have learned that a rising tide does lift all ships.
  5. My Capacity For Generosity Has Increased.  Where a man’s treasure is there his heart will be also.  It would be foolish for me not to give many of my readers this insight.  In this world, people don’t pay for average.  However, if your capacity increases and you do the extraordinary, people will line up at your door and you can then pass those blessings along to others.  Don’t make extraordinary too complicated.  Extraordinary is simply doing the ordinary…with just a little bit extra. 

This has been a fun series.  I don’t like people putting lids on others.  This group of posts is designed to give you the skills to improve your quality of life and help you do things you desperately want to do but never thought was possible.  Ask these 10 questions.  Implement the key principles.  And finally, enjoy being the person that God put you on this earth to be.

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.